Extensive GUI use causes it to lock up
I have seen this issue, and similar issues in many posts, with no concrete resolution. I find that if I do too much in the GUI (making changes, typically more than 4 or 5 in a single session), the GUI freezes and it doesn't accept SSH to the WAN interface. (btw, I am coming in through the WAN interface for the GUI on HTTPS)
Any SSL tunnels also stop working. There is nothing in the logs that is useful. I AM able to, at this point, log in to the box via SSH on the LAN interface and get the menu/shell up. I have tried restarting the webgui from the menu, no help. I have done as others posted, and killed PHP and lighttp, and restarted them - no help. I have done a kill -9 to snort, no help. Rebooting fixes it.
If we don't touch the GUI, the box will run for days until we need to use the GUI again.
One bit of odd behaviour I notice is - I will have a terminal open trying to SSH in, and it just sits there - no reply of any kind. In another window, when I issue the reboot command, while the box is going down the SSH session in the first window will suddenly prompt for a password (which is useless since the box is on its way down).
Has anyone else seen this, and is there a known fix for this?