PfBlockerNG v2.0 w/DNSBL
Is anyone else seeing this lately after a cron?
There were error(s) loading the rules: pfctl: DIOCXCOMMIT: Device busy - The line in question reads [0]:
Has only started happening in the last few weeks.
Some googling suggested setting NIC speed manually from auto.
If anyone has got any other ideas please post.
Looks like a bad aliastable possibly. Try a Force reload and/or a reboot.
Check the pfblockerng.log and system logs for further clues. If you hover over the Firewall rules, do you get the aliastable popup? Could also be unrelated to the package. You could temporarily disable the package and see if it re occurs.
Ok thanks for that does this look ok as it is the only alias that didn't look right to me?
It only seemed to appear after i ticked de-duplication is it.

That is used for the IP Suppression… Its ok as is...
Hi guys
i am busy running a test server where i plan to simulate our current Squid+squidguard setup, but add DNSBL to it.
one think i note is that some ad's are still getting through ( comparing with AdBlock on chrome)
Is it possible to load an AdBlock list ( and from where?) , so that user experience is similar to having AdBlock extension activate?
It looks like I got one thing working on my setup but killed DNSBL in the process.
I recently setup policy based routing where my pass firewall rules determine the Gateway to be used. I did this so that I could have one interface route all traffic through my VPN client and another interface not utilize the VPN at all. That works great, but ever since I set that up I have 0 hits on all of my DNSBL feeds and ads are coming through.
Any ideas on how I can use pfBlockerNG DNSBL while still utilizing policy based routing for my purposes?
My DNSBL has stopped working. When I do a Fprce Update, I get this in the log
------------------------------------------ Assembling database... completed Validating database... completed Reloading Unbound... Failed to Reload... Restoring previous database.... Not completed. *** DNSBL update [ 0 ] [ 8654 ] ... OUT OF SYNC ! *** ------------------------------------------
When I execute "Shell Output - unbound-control -c /var/unbound/unbound.conf status"
I get this:error: SSL handshake failed 34386131464:error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed:/builder/pfsense-232/tmp/FreeBSD-src/secure/lib/libssl/../../../crypto/openssl/ssl/s3_clnt.c:1191:
I've just uninstalled PfBlockerNG and after that a reboot, but it still persists. Any ideas?
the cron/reload/update job stalls for me. no error, just stops at dnsbl. works if i disable alexa whitelist or if i stop the dnsbl component. anyone else having this problem?
the cron/reload/update job stalls for me. no error, just stops at dnsbl. works if i disable alexa whitelist or if i stop the dnsbl component. anyone else having this problem?
It might be related to Alexa retiring its TOP1M feed… They have since restored the feed, but uncertain of its ultimate fate... would try the following and see if it fixes this issue:
mv /var/db/pfblockerng/top-1m.csv /var/db/pfblockerng/top-1m.csv.old
Then run a "Force Reload" and see if it re-downloads the Alexa Archive and rebuilds the Alexa whitelist…
As reference, the Alexa TOP1M feed url:
the cron/reload/update job stalls for me. no error, just stops at dnsbl. works if i disable alexa whitelist or if i stop the dnsbl component. anyone else having this problem?
It might be related to Alexa retiring its TOP1M feed… They have since restored the feed, but uncertain of its ultimate fate... would try the following and see if it fixes this issue:
mv /var/db/pfblockerng/top-1m.csv /var/db/pfblockerng/top-1m.csv.old
Then run a "Force Reload" and see if it re-downloads the Alexa Archive and rebuilds the Alexa whitelist…
As reference, the Alexa TOP1M feed url:
thanks, much obliged, it works perfectly now. i'll keep on the lookout for if they drop the feed again… maybe you could check if anything weird happens on the import code if the url can't be found? before i stopped the import / disabled dnsbl it was stalling the cpu/dns resolver (guessing weird things happened when the first import took as long as the refresh timeout and then the second import started wihtout the first one completing?)
I've just installed pfBlockerNG 2.1.1_4 on a test pfSense install.I've enabled it and then gone to update.
I've selected the option to reload but nothing is downloaded.Checking /var/db/aliastables there is nothing showing.
Can anyone point me in the right direction ?UPDATE PROCESS START [ 12/01/16 11:26:27 ] Clearing all DNSBL Feeds... ** DNSBL Disabled ** ===[ Continent Process ]============================================ ===[ IPv4 Process ]================================================= ===[ IPv6 Process ]================================================= ===[ Aliastables / Rules ]========================================== No changes to Firewall rules, skipping Filter Reload No Changes to Aliases, Skipping pfctl Update UPDATE PROCESS ENDED
Did you define any tables ?
Is it possible to use an alternative list, such as:
I am receiving certificate invalid errors after enabling the DNSBL when navigating certain sites - so far the culprit seems to mainly be when trying to serve content over an HTTPS enabled website.
The attempt still shows in the Alerts tab of pfBlockerNG, the main site still loads, but it seems to be wanting to use the firewall's self signed certificate as the certificate for the ad server host.
Did I miss a setting somewhere to prevent this from happening?
Ya ran into the same problem while beta testing, completely forgot about this issue until I read your post :) For a quick fix I created a CA and web certificate via pfsense GUI then copies this cert to /var/unbound/dnsbl_cert.pem which dnsbl light http will use. Then push out the CA to all the desktops, could be done via GPO or login scripts. With picking up traction, everything is going to be running over TLS or SSL soon going to have to implement this type of fix.
**EDIT: Sorry guys did a bad job on this post and what I was doing, it does not fix the underlying issue with the TLS stream being bad because the cert is not valid, reggie14 did a much better job testing this than I. In my setup is simply helped limit the errors in Chrome. Again just a quick fix that might help. Again sorry for the confusion.
FYI the update from Chrome 45 to 46 made a difference in what come up under security warnings:**Thanks
Tony MI am new to pfsense and new to this forum. I do not tend to go digging up the past but was there any conclusion to the https page errors received while using DNSBL? I initially scrapped my setup of squidguard due to its failure to even pass through to HTTPS sites. Now the DNSBL is working adequately but if I am to block certain domains (such as, I receive an insecure connection error on my browser instead of the 1x1 pixel error page. Is there a way for me to get rid of this error? Or is there a way to potentially redirect this https domain being blocked to an internal webpage?
Also if this is in the wrong section or if this has already been answered I apologize in advance.
Is it possible to use an alternative list, such as:
Alexa has re-instated the Alexa Top1M Feed, not sure if/when they will discontinue it again…., Cisco has recently released an alternative TOP1M version: will be adding this to the next release as an alternative option to the package...
…https page errors received while using DNSBL?
Usually this occurs with Safari Browsers only… I don't know of any workarounds, except for whitelisting those domains that are causing this behaviour...
Hi BBcan177,
Thanks for the awesome package. I had a quick question for you. I added quite a few feeds that you had mentioned in the beginning of this thread and everything was working great. Anyway, I found some more feeds, like really big ones and tried to add those.
It loaded, but the database grew to about 1.4 million entries. Firstly, it started giving me a message about a 2 million hard limit and also, my entire device basically crashed. I have the SG-2440, so it's not one of the higher end models, but I didn't think it would crash the device.
Anyway, Unbound could not be reloaded and it reverted back to the smaller database (which was about 500,000 URLs). Can my device just not handle that big of a table or is there some other way to fix this?
FYI, the two lists that I added that killed the system were these:,
Try to raise System/ Advanced / Firewall & NAT : Firewall Maximum Table Entries, but this may only be useful for IP tables.
Maybe you are just running out of memory, those DNSBL tables are huge.
-rw-r–r-- 1 root wheel 45701811 Dec 18 14:22 BBC_DGA.txt -
Okay so as I understand I will not be able to avoid the HTTPS errors in my browser due to the nature of DNS. For example, if I were to block in a DNSBL feed, I would be redirected to the 1x1 pixel block page at my DNSBL VIP of If I went to I receive a browser error page of "ssl_error_bad_cert_domain" because the DNSBL certificate obviously doesn't match up with the DNS entry of and the internal DNSBL VIP.
1. Would I be able to redirect all of the traffic that is blocked and goes to the DNSBL VIP address to go to an internal (or external) custom webpage. Or perhaps have it be redirected to Google? Even if it was HTTPS would it not receive an error and pass through?
2. Where is the filepath of DNSBL package, or more directly, where is the location of the 1x1 pixel block page (or image) since I would like to put my own error notice.
2. Where is the filepath of DNSBL package, or more directly, where is the location of the 1x1 pixel block page (or image) since I would like to put my own error notice.