Migrate Linux Squid + SquidGuard to pfSense box
I am in the middle of migrating our linux based squid & squidGuard box to my new pfSense installation.
I got Squid to wprok without problems, wpad was configured before, so my clients are already using it. Now I slowly need to apply the restrictions from the old box,
like blacklists, allow- and blocklists, ip-ranges and such. Also I need to make sure that it automatically applies the db´s and that it logs as the traffic, either locally or on a remote box.how would you approach this? I am not very used to SG.
Big thanks in advance guys…
Guybrush -
squidGuard has one master config file that holds everything, so your Linux config should be pretty easy to read and reproduce in pfSense. Linux config is probably in /etc/squidguard/squidguard.conf.