Dpinger causing crash on apu2 ?
odd supplier trusts 2.3 but not 2.4 as neither is a stable version.
2.3 has been quite stable here on all my boxes. My customers would have fled long ago if it were not the case. But I have not lost one account.
2.4 is not to release state yet so any "supplier" would play it safe by avoiding it.
odd supplier trusts 2.3 but not 2.4 as neither is a stable version.
2.3 has been quite stable here on all my boxes. My customers would have fled long ago if it were not the case. But I have not lost one account.
2.4 is not to release state yet so any "supplier" would play it safe by avoiding it.
Need to specify which 2.3 - 2.3.2-p1 is the stable official release. 2.3.3-DEVELOPMENT is (as it says) a development build, but actually it has all the fixes and many of the "little" new front-end things that are in 2.40-BETA, it is still called DEVELOPMENT because there is no decision yet about if, how or when it may actually become a release for the 2.3.* series. 2.3.3-DEVELOPMENT should not have "underlying" regressions, since it is built on FreeBSD 10.3 that is proven in 2.3.2-p1 (although various ports of underlying stuff have been updated into the 2.3.3-DEVELOPMENT builds).
The supplier sent me this message
"According to the pfsense download page V2.3.2 is the latest stable version,
please use that one.https://nyifiles.pfsense.org/mirror/downloads/pfSense-CE-2.3.2-RELEASE-amd64.iso.gz
Any comments on this appreciated
That is correct. The latest full installer is for 2.3.2.
After it installs and comes online it will tell you here is n upgrade available to 2.3.2-p1 - you can then upgrade to the "p1".
Full installer images for 2.3.2-p1 were not made. -
Thanks - as my apu2 unit is serial only will the first link work on serial mode?
for reference I have had no more panic's I do now have my igb set to only use one queue tho.
if you want to see if reducing igb queues stabilises your box then add this line to /boot/loader.conf.local and reboot
odd supplier trusts 2.3 but not 2.4 as neither is a stable version.
2.3.2 is classed as such as it does not have the dev label. 2.3.3 does. It is weird as My 'live' APU on 2.4 is pretty much a vanilla install with pfblocker being the only addition. O.K. There are one or two patches in there but that's around the area of the launch of dhcp6c for testing.
I would have said I that in SkyECI's case it's the amount of gaming being done by his offspring, but as the last crash was when they should have been asleep that can be ruled out.
I can honestly say I've only ever seen a crash once and that was when I was moving back and forth between 2.3 and 2.4 - it worked a couple of times then fell over. Now I use my test unit for dev work and leave the live unit pretty much alone.
In some ways I hope it crashes at 2.3.2 as well because I'm convinced skyeci has a problem unit
As you say we are both solid on 2.4 and I had zero issues at 2.3.3 before I upgraded
12 hour mem test =check all ok
Heatsink in place properly
Put original as suppplied ssd back in (crashed on both I have tried)All done. Installed 2.3.2 -opted for stable in updates and on first internet connection it went to
2.3.2 _1no ipv6 support with sky in this config but its fine for now to see if goes down or not..
I'll do a patch for sky for you in the morning.
Thanks Mate :) :)
ok stand corrected with 2.3.2 :)
let us know how things get on with the downgrade :)
Wouldn't this be better in the 2.3 forum? This is the 2.4 beta forum…
Opening post is 2.4
Thought I would update this anyway. I ran the apu2c4 for one week on 2.3.2-p1 no crash. Re-installed 2.4 with latest patches. Locked up 24hrs later but no visible errors and no response via serial or gui etc.
Have now setup sys log server to try and catch something should it occur again shortly as I have left it on 2.4
please set the igb driver to 1 queue bud, I am confident that will solve your issues, I left you a pm on kitz with how to do it.
It's weird though, both i and nivek have had no issues with the APU2's we are running.
the igb queuing bug probably only surface's itself with certain types of usage patterns.
Probably.. He has game players to contend with. ::)
Thanks re igb. As I mentioned it has locked up once since back on 2.4 (did not crash for 1 week on 2.3.2). I have just re-enabled some stuff so I want to see if it goes down again. If it does and there is no log or other info I will try your suggestion but just waiting to see if it crashes with the other settings re-enabled…