[Help] pfSense-pkg-squid: 0.4.35 -> 0.4.35_1 [pfSense]
Just upgrade squid and now cant access web app
>>> Upgrading pfSense-pkg-squid... Updating pfSense-core repository catalogue... pfSense-core repository is up-to-date. Updating pfSense repository catalogue... pfSense repository is up-to-date. All repositories are up-to-date. The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): Installed packages to be UPGRADED: pfSense-pkg-squid: 0.4.35 -> 0.4.35_1 [pfSense] Number of packages to be upgraded: 1 55 KiB to be downloaded.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'use' (T_USE) in /etc/inc/priv/squid.priv.inc on line 22 Call Stack: 0.0004 225592 1\. {main}() /usr/local/www/index.php:0 0.0009 230904 2\. require_once('/usr/local/www/guiconfig.inc') /usr/local/www/index.php:72 0.0014 251904 3\. require_once('/etc/inc/authgui.inc') /usr/local/www/guiconfig.inc:79 0.0256 1345520 4\. include_once('/etc/inc/priv.inc') /etc/inc/authgui.inc:58
I restarted webConfigurator (option 11), I get the same error
I'm scared to reboot pfsense
I have no idea what syntax error you have on line 22: https://github.com/pfsense/FreeBSD-ports/blob/devel/www/pfSense-pkg-squid/files/etc/inc/priv/squid.priv.inc#L22
OK, you are on 2.3.3? Looks like the "cherrypick" or god knows what script they are using really screwed things there. Just delete that file and fetch the copy linked above.
How to fix this:
cd /etc/inc/priv rm squid.priv.inc fetch https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pfsense/FreeBSD-ports/devel/www/pfSense-pkg-squid/files/etc/inc/priv/squid.priv.inc
I have the same problem. Will try the solution above.
Same problem here, fixed! Tks.
2.3.2-RELEASE-p1 (amd64)
Yeah I already noted that on the PR and did a new one to fix the breakage I didn't cause in the first place. Nothing else I could do there.
https://github.com/pfsense/FreeBSD-ports/pull/270 -
Fixed, on 0.4.35_3, sorry for the breakage!
Fixed it with vi, just fixed the comment section.
Fixed, on 0.4.35_3, sorry for the breakage!
Thanks. I guess I'll do some PR for /etc/inc/priv.inc to attempt to not blindly include broken crap and at least do a lint beforehand. (So far, I've just discovered a broken and misnamed php_check_filename_syntax() in pfsense-utils.inc, LOL.
Thank you dok, fixed.
Thanks ya'll… back up again :)
ya you need the first forward slash "/", otherwise your saying /root/etc , you want /etc/
ya you need the first forward slash "/", otherwise your saying /root/etc , you want /etc/
This last post in quote here is to my problem, all posts from doktornotor and myself have been removed related to my error,
I had a typo user error