Is it possible to make traffic graphs show in bits/s instead of bytes/s?
I just upgraded to 2.3.3 and overall I like the new traffic graphs, but on the Status > Traffic Graphs page it will only show bytes/s on the graph. I prefer to see bits/s. (To be clear, I don't think bytes/s is a bad idea; I just think we should have a choice.) Is there a simple way to get it to show in bits/s?
The new graph actually appears to support this, since it gives the option on the dashboard widget (which works perfectly).
In 2.4, you click the Config wrench and change the Unit Size. I'm not running 2.3.3 just yet. Is this control not available in the 2.3.3 traffic graph?
The dashboard widget does have that option, and it works fine. I can confirm that the graph is showing bits/s, even though it is using a capital B in the label.
The Status > Traffic Graphs page does not have that option though. It shows the individual bandwidths for each host in bits/s, but the graph is entirely in bytes/s.
I tested this by running an internet speed test while the graph was running and there was practically no other load on the network. Then I compared the results of the test to the relevant portion of the graph. For all practical purposes, the graph was an exact match for my throughput in bytes/s.
I'd like to be able to have the widget's units setting also available on the status page. Would this be something that's coming in 2.4?
OK, thanks. You would think they would instantiate the same graph in the same way in both views.
Yes I noticed this after upgraded to 2.3.3 tonight as well. Please allow the traffic graph to use bits as the dashboard widget!
There is a temp fix here: