After upgrading to 2.4.0-BETA DNS Resolver generates errors
Just upgraded to 2.4.0-BETA, and DNS Resolver is generating the following errors:
"The following input errors were detected:
The generated config file cannot be parsed by unbound. Please correct the following errors:
/var/unbound/test/root.key: No such file or directory
[1488084729] unbound-checkconf[95265:0] fatal error: auto-trust-anchor-file: "/var/unbound/test/root.key" does not exist in chrootdir /var/unbound"Prior to the upgrade, I did not get these errors.
Any suggestions?
I was able to get it working by creating the test directory and copying over the following files:
unbound_server.pemIs there a permanent fix for this? Not sure what the next steps should be.
I'm not seeing that on any of mine.
What were you running before?
Are you using /tmp and /var in RAM disks?
This was already reported by someone on 2.3.x and ended up with a reinstall, AFAICT. It just doesn't make sense.
Thannks for the links and questions. I'm new to pfsense, so i'm still figuring stuff out.
The link looks like a similar situation. Upgraded to larest release today and it seems to have fixed the error messages. Is it possible to test that the resolver is caching?
My thanks in advance.
Forgot to provide the release. Upgraded to 2.4.0-BETA (arm) built on Sun Feb 26 21:23:35 CST 2017 FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p8