Squid Squidguard ssl man in the middle
hello guys,
I have already install and configure squid and squidguard.
But they block some applications like office 365(outlook 201x) and slack, i have test some solutions but nothing.(i have set on whitelist .office365.com and .slack.com)
when i uncheck HTTPS/SSL Interception it work but the user can go on any websites like porno and else..
(when i add Bypass for destinations ip it work for some sites not all)
Can someone explain me how i should proceed to configure this squid it's been one week i can't use it properly!!!
i have apply the modification,
i will see today if there are any changes (i have meet the problem not with the portail 365 but the outlook 201x)
an other question when we use splice whitelist bump otherwise, (squidguard will not work ??), so we should enter the domains that we will allow in acls whitelist ?? just that ?? the target categories of squidguard also no ??