BandwidthD is back!
Topic says it all. It's up on 2.4 for testing. Nothing significantly different than the old package. A few refinements to the code so it works on 2.4 (and 2.3 before too long).
Thanks!ย Works for me so far โฆ
I did notice that the "checkbox" field types in bandwidthd.xml don't seem to honor theor```
<a ...="" <="" a=""></a>'PostgresSQL' shown, but the same for 'Promiscuous' and 'Draw Graphs' checkboxes as well  </a>
I saw that but hadn't had a chance to fix it yet. I just pushed a fix now, though, it will be up when the next snapshot run happens.
FYI- It's now up for 2.3.4 as well.
Does BandwidthD support IPv6 ?
I'm not seeing any IPv6 info.
No, it doesn't.
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