Local hostnames don't resolve without local domain
Since upgrading to 2.4 local hostnames (either static or dhcp) don't resolve from anyone except pfsense itself without adding the local domain (localnet in my case). Any ideas what's going on? The same configuration used to work with 2.3.
Have you DNS registration and Static DHCP checked in Services > DNS Resolve ?
Sorry, I should have specified that I am using DNS forwarder.
They fixed that a while ago.. Its not correct to be able to resolve just host name, it needs to be fully qualified. Just set your clients to use your domain as its search suffix.
2.3.3 I think is when they fixed it for resolver
Thanks for the pointer. Should the clients automatically get it with the DHCP lease?
They can sure. Would depend on the OS that is the client.. Windows can be flaky for example.. But when you setup a machine you should setup its primary domain. And you can also setup multiple search suffix, and can even set them specific per interface, etc.
Its option 119 in dhcp, and while OS X and linux/bsd all support it - windows doesn't keep up with any sort of internet standards ;) Their solution is to hand it out via group policy ;)