Users bypass squid
Yes. If you have DHCP activated, you'd have noticed that it is absolutely standard to have a default gateway configured on clients. I mean, you break the network connectivity if you don't have it configured. And no, it does not have anything in common with Squid "bypass". Not in any normal network. Yours apparently is abnormal.
When I desactivated the proxy in Internet Options the squid authentification is not prompted and I have access to Internet.
Yes of course they are NOT!!! Because if you want to force people to use a proxy, you need to either make it transparent, or force it on clients via DHCP/DNS/WPAD/Group Policy and block the direct traffic. You do not force people to use a proxy by inventing broken network configuration on clients that's missing a default gateway.
:o ::)
I have activated the transparent proxy option and I still have the same problem.
As noted, you need to block IPv6 if going through Squid is a requirement. Other than that, I'd wipe everything and start from scratch, and start with fixing your completely whacky workflows. Using DHCP and configuring clients in a way that's used by the rest of the world (which includes having a default gateway set) would be a nice start here.
Can you tell me how to do it?
There really is nothing special to do, it just works for everyone with DHCP server enabled on pfSense.
I noticed that users can bypass squid by configuring the DNS in their network interfaces.
Then block their ability to do so, either via a GPO, or at the firewall. If they are actually using the proxy (either transparently, or via wpad) then regardless of their DNS settings, the proxy will serve what the PFSense DNS looks up.
Great. Now, did you configure anything on the clients? Because, with the proxy NOT being transparent, I cannot figure out how on earth you imagine the clients to be forced to use it?!?! (And, BTW, if going through Squid is required, you'll need to block all IPv6.)
I know this is already an old post, but can I ask for your assistance, how do we block all IPv6?