Unofficial E2guardian package for pfSense
Came home to find my pfsense box crashed. :/
At this point I'm considering a reinstall of pfsense but not sure how much I see lose in terms of settings etc. And of course e2guardian settings. Also E2 Guardian requires the unofficial repository.
Crash report begins. Anonymous machine information: amd64 10.3-RELEASE-p19 FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p19 #0 bbfdb9a1d(RELENG_2_3_4): Wed May 3 16:09:14 CDT 2017 root@ce23-amd64-builder:/builder/pfsense-234/tmp/obj/builder/pfsense-234/tmp/FreeBSD-src/sys/pfSense Crash report details: No PHP errors found. Filename: /var/crash/bounds 2 Filename: /var/crash/info.0 Dump header from device /dev/label/swap0 Architecture: amd64 Architecture Version: 1 Dump Length: 72704B (0 MB) Blocksize: 512 Dumptime: Wed Jun 28 11:48:46 2017 Hostname: pfSense.kortex Magic: FreeBSD Text Dump Version String: FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p19 #0 bbfdb9a1d(RELENG_2_3_4): Wed May 3 16:09:14 CDT 2017 root@ce23-amd64-builder:/builder/pfsense-234/tmp/obj/builder/pfsense-234/tmp/FreeBSD-src/sys/pfSense Panic String: Dump Parity: 3988917314 Bounds: 0 Dump Status: good Filename: /var/crash/info.1 Dump header from device /dev/label/swap0 Architecture: amd64 Architecture Version: 1 Dump Length: 72192B (0 MB) Blocksize: 512 Dumptime: Wed Jun 28 11:15:20 2017 Hostname: pfSense.kortex Magic: FreeBSD Text Dump Version String: FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p19 #0 bbfdb9a1d(RELENG_2_3_4): Wed May 3 16:09:14 CDT 2017 root@ce23-amd64-builder:/builder/pfsense-234/tmp/obj/builder/pfsense-234/tmp/FreeBSD-src/sys/pfSense Panic String: vm_radix_remove: impossible to locate the key Dump Parity: 3671161642 Bounds: 1 Dump Status: good Filename: /var/crash/info.last Dump header from device /dev/label/swap0 Architecture: amd64 Architecture Version: 1 Dump Length: 72192B (0 MB) Blocksize: 512 Dumptime: Wed Jun 28 11:15:20 2017 Hostname: pfSense.kortex Magic: FreeBSD Text Dump Version String: FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p19 #0 bbfdb9a1d(RELENG_2_3_4): Wed May 3 16:09:14 CDT 2017 root@ce23-amd64-builder:/builder/pfsense-234/tmp/obj/builder/pfsense-234/tmp/FreeBSD-src/sys/pfSense Panic String: vm_radix_remove: impossible to locate the key Dump Parity: 3671161642 Bounds: 1 Dump Status: good Filename: /var/crash/textdump.tar.0 ddb.txt06000014000013124704616 7076 ustarrootwheeldb:0:kdb.enter.default> run lockinfo db:1:lockinfo> show locks No such command db:1:locks> show alllocks No such command db:1:alllocks> show lockedvnods Locked vnodes db:0:kdb.enter.default> show pcpu cpuid = 1 dynamic pcpu = 0xfffffe010fd49100 curthread = 0xfffff8002dad4960: pid 93640 "ntopng" curpcb = 0xfffffe009430dc80 fpcurthread = 0xfffff8002dad4960: pid 93640 "ntopng" idlethread = 0xfffff80003521960: tid 100004 "idle: cpu1" curpmap = 0xfffff8002dd1a4b8 tssp = 0xffffffff821138f8 commontssp = 0xffffffff821138f8 rsp0 = 0xfffffe009430dc80 gs32p = 0xffffffff82115350 ldt = 0xffffffff82115390 tss = 0xffffffff82115380 db:0:kdb.enter.default> bt Tracing pid 93640 tid 100220 td 0xfffff8002dad4960 pmap_remove_pte() at pmap_remove_pte+0x19a/frame 0xfffffe009430d8f0 pmap_remove() at pmap_remove+0x471/frame 0xfffffe009430d9a0 vm_map_delete() at vm_map_delete+0x1ed/frame 0xfffffe009430da30 sys_munmap() at sys_munmap+0xff/frame 0xfffffe009430da90 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x40f/frame 0xfffffe009430dbb0 Xfast_syscall() at Xfast_syscall+0xfb/frame 0xfffffe009430dbb0 --- syscall (73, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_munmap), rip = 0x803cdcd7a, rsp = 0x7fffdf3f7d88, rbp = 0x7fffdf3f7db0 --- db:0:kdb.enter.default> ps pid ppid pgrp uid state wmesg wchan cmd 28137 92144 92144 0 S nanslp 0xffffffff82001570 sleep 26732 91933 91933 0 S nanslp 0xffffffff82001570 sleep 24525 33868 26769 0 S nanslp 0xffffffff82001571 sleep 92144 91589 92144 0 Ss wait 0xfffff8002271a000 sh 91933 91277 91933 0 Ss wait 0xfffff800220e54f0 sh 91589 25575 25575 0 S piperd 0xfffff8001f686ba0 cron 91277 25575 25575 0 S piperd 0xfffff8001f3d68b8 cron 90702 84685 286 0 S nanslp 0xffffffff82001571 sleep 65342 1 65342 0 Ss (threaded) e2guardian 101485 S accept 0xfffff8002db5d5d6 e2guardian 101484 S accept 0xfffff800606fd88e e2guardian 100497 S uwait 0xfffff80022475100 e2guardian 100489 S uwait 0xfffff80003b46f00 e2guardian 100485 S uwait 0xfffff8001f6c3a00 e2guardian 100448 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79fe80 e2guardian 100447 S uwait 0xfffff80022475a00 e2guardian 100446 S uwait 0xfffff80022170c00 e2guardian 100445 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79e200 e2guardian 100444 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6de00 e2guardian 100443 S uwait 0xfffff80022475700 e2guardian 100442 S uwait 0xfffff8002da57400 e2guardian 100441 S select 0xfffff8002278c9c0 e2guardian 100440 S uwait 0xfffff8002df18b00 e2guardian 100439 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79e300 e2guardian 100438 S uwait 0xfffff80022171e80 e2guardian 100437 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6e880 e2guardian 100436 S uwait 0xfffff8001f68a700 e2guardian 100435 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3a900 e2guardian 100434 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6da00 e2guardian 100433 S uwait 0xfffff8001f7acd80 e2guardian 100432 S uwait 0xfffff80022333f00 e2guardian 100431 S uwait 0xfffff80022474180 e2guardian 100430 S uwait 0xfffff80022474d80 e2guardian 100429 S uwait 0xfffff80022170200 e2guardian 100428 S uwait 0xfffff80022333c00 e2guardian 100427 S uwait 0xfffff80022475e00 e2guardian 100426 S uwait 0xfffff80022475600 e2guardian 100425 S uwait 0xfffff80022475900 e2guardian 100424 S uwait 0xfffff80022476080 e2guardian 100423 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3ed80 e2guardian 100422 S uwait 0xfffff80022475200 e2guardian 100421 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3e180 e2guardian 100420 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6d800 e2guardian 100419 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79ec00 e2guardian 100417 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3e480 e2guardian 100416 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6e700 e2guardian 100415 S uwait 0xfffff8001f68ac00 e2guardian 100414 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79fa80 e2guardian 100413 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3ab00 e2guardian 100411 S uwait 0xfffff80022474680 e2guardian 100410 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79f880 e2guardian 100409 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79f780 e2guardian 100408 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79f580 e2guardian 100407 S select 0xfffff80003d3d340 e2guardian 100406 S uwait 0xfffff80022170300 e2guardian 100405 S uwait 0xfffff8001f705480 e2guardian 100404 S uwait 0xfffff80022474280 e2guardian 100403 S uwait 0xfffff80022474780 e2guardian 100402 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3e880 e2guardian 100401 S uwait 0xfffff8002df18a00 e2guardian 100400 S uwait 0xfffff80022170400 e2guardian 100398 S uwait 0xfffff8002deb8280 e2guardian 100397 S uwait 0xfffff80022170e00 e2guardian 100396 S uwait 0xfffff8002dec5a00 e2guardian 100395 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6ed80 e2guardian 100394 S uwait 0xfffff8002dec5200 e2guardian 100393 S uwait 0xfffff80022170b00 e2guardian 100392 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79e800 e2guardian 100391 S uwait 0xfffff8001f6dc880 e2guardian 100390 S uwait 0xfffff80022170100 e2guardian 100389 S uwait 0xfffff80022171d80 e2guardian 100388 S uwait 0xfffff80022170500 e2guardian 100387 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3d700 e2guardian 100386 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6e780 e2guardian 100385 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6f100 e2guardian 100384 S uwait 0xfffff8002df19280 e2guardian 100383 S uwait 0xfffff80022333b00 e2guardian 100382 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3db00 e2guardian 100381 S uwait 0xfffff8002231cd80 e2guardian 100380 S uwait 0xfffff800606b8b00 e2guardian 100379 S uwait 0xfffff80022474c80 e2guardian 100378 S uwait 0xfffff80003c5cf00 e2guardian 100377 S uwait 0xfffff80022474a80 e2guardian 100376 S uwait 0xfffff8002de3fe80 e2guardian 100375 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3eb80 e2guardian 100374 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6f200 e2guardian 100373 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79ea00 e2guardian 100372 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3a680 e2guardian 100371 S uwait 0xfffff8002df18600 e2guardian 100370 S uwait 0xfffff80022333000 e2guardian 100369 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6e600 e2guardian 100368 S uwait 0xfffff80003b48480 e2guardian 100367 S uwait 0xfffff80022333a00 e2guardian 100366 S uwait 0xfffff80022475b00 e2guardian 100365 S select 0xfffff8002231dec0 e2guardian 100364 S uwait 0xfffff80022171980 e2guardian 100363 S uwait 0xfffff80003d3ec80 e2guardian 100362 S uwait 0xfffff80022333500 e2guardian 100361 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6db00 e2guardian 100360 S uwait 0xfffff8002deb9200 e2guardian 100359 S uwait 0xfffff8002deb9e00 e2guardian 100358 S uwait 0xfffff80022171c80 e2guardian 100357 S uwait 0xfffff80022474e80 e2guardian 100356 S uwait 0xfffff80022475500 e2guardian 100355 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79ee00 e2guardian 100354 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3e280 e2guardian 100353 S uwait 0xfffff8002de3f380 e2guardian 100352 S uwait 0xfffff80022475800 e2guardian 100351 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79f380 e2guardian 100350 S uwait 0xfffff80022171a80 e2guardian 100349 S uwait 0xfffff80003c75800 e2guardian 100348 S select 0xfffff800223b2140 e2guardian 100347 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3d000 e2guardian 100346 S uwait 0xfffff8002231d100 e2guardian 100345 S uwait 0xfffff80022333700 e2guardian 100344 S uwait 0xfffff80003d3fe80 e2guardian 100343 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3ee80 e2guardian 100342 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6f000 e2guardian 100341 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3e980 e2guardian 100340 S uwait 0xfffff8002dec4080 e2guardian 100339 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79f680 e2guardian 100338 S uwait 0xfffff8001f6d9e00 e2guardian 100337 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79fc80 e2guardian 100336 S uwait 0xfffff80003c74580 e2guardian 100335 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3ec80 e2guardian 100334 S uwait 0xfffff80003b46080 e2guardian 100333 S uwait 0xfffff8002dec5100 e2guardian 100332 S uwait 0xfffff80022474080 e2guardian 100331 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6f300 e2guardian 100330 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3af00 e2guardian 100329 S uwait 0xfffff8002dec4b80 e2guardian 100328 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3c980 e2guardian 100327 S uwait 0xfffff80022170f00 e2guardian 100326 S uwait 0xfffff8002dec5400 e2guardian 100325 S uwait 0xfffff80022170d00 e2guardian 100324 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6e280 e2guardian 100323 S uwait 0xfffff80022170800 e2guardian 100322 S uwait 0xfffff80022171180 e2guardian 100321 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79f280 e2guardian 100320 S uwait 0xfffff8002deb9300 e2guardian 100319 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3e680 e2guardian 100318 S uwait 0xfffff8002dec4880 e2guardian 100317 S uwait 0xfffff80022170900 e2guardian 100316 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79ed00 e2guardian 100315 S uwait 0xfffff800606b9d80 e2guardian 100314 S uwait 0xfffff80022170600 e2guardian 100313 S uwait 0xfffff800606bb600 e2guardian 100312 S uwait 0xfffff80022992a80 e2guardian 100311 S uwait 0xfffff80003d3f400 e2guardian 100310 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3e580 e2guardian 100309 S uwait 0xfffff80003d3f380 e2guardian 100308 S uwait 0xfffff80022474580 e2guardian 100307 S uwait 0xfffff800223b2380 e2guardian 100306 S uwait 0xfffff80022475d00 e2guardian 100305 S uwait 0xfffff80022d1c700 e2guardian 100304 S uwait 0xfffff80022475c00 e2guardian 100303 S uwait 0xfffff80022474380 e2guardian 100302 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3e380 e2guardian 100301 S uwait 0xfffff80003b0ae80 e2guardian 100300 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3e780 e2guardian 100299 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79f180 e2guardian 100298 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79e100 e2guardian 100297 S uwait 0xfffff80022474880 e2guardian 100296 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79e400 e2guardian 100295 S uwait 0xfffff80022475300 e2guardian 100294 S uwait 0xfffff80003b46000 e2guardian 100293 S uwait 0xfffff80022474480 e2guardian 100292 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79fd80 e2guardian 100291 S uwait 0xfffff80022475000 e2guardian 100290 S uwait 0xfffff8002df19f00 e2guardian 100289 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3e080 e2guardian 100288 S uwait 0xfffff80022171680 e2guardian 100287 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79ef00 e2guardian 100286 S uwait 0xfffff80022333e00 e2guardian 100285 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79f480 e2guardian 100284 S uwait 0xfffff8001f704200 e2guardian 100283 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79e500 e2guardian 100282 S uwait 0xfffff8001f707d00 e2guardian 100281 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79fb80 e2guardian 100280 S uwait 0xfffff80022333900 e2guardian 100279 S uwait 0xfffff8002dec4480 e2guardian 100278 S uwait 0xfffff80022333d00 e2guardian 100277 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3c380 e2guardian 100276 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79e900 e2guardian 100275 S uwait 0xfffff8001f6dfc00 e2guardian 100274 S uwait 0xfffff8002df19880 e2guardian 100273 S uwait 0xfffff800606ba280 e2guardian 100272 S uwait 0xfffff80022170000 e2guardian 100271 S uwait 0xfffff8002df19580 e2guardian 100270 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79e600 e2guardian 100269 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79e700 e2guardian 100268 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3ea80 e2guardian 100267 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3ce80 e2guardian 100266 S uwait 0xfffff8001f7acf00 e2guardian 100265 S uwait 0xfffff8002deb8480 e2guardian 100264 S uwait 0xfffff80022333800 e2guardian 100263 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6e080 e2guardian 100262 S uwait 0xfffff80022171080 e2guardian 100261 S uwait 0xfffff8002df18c00 e2guardian 100260 S uwait 0xfffff8002de3fd80 e2guardian 100259 S uwait 0xfffff8002df3a100 e2guardian 100258 S uwait 0xfffff80022474b80 e2guardian 100257 S uwait 0xfffff8001f68b780 e2guardian 100256 S uwait 0xfffff8002dec5e00 e2guardian 100255 S uwait 0xfffff8002dec5c00 e2guardian 100254 S uwait 0xfffff8001f704880 e2guardian 100253 S uwait 0xfffff8002d79f080 e2guardian 100252 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6e900 e2guardian 100251 S uwait 0xfffff80022170700 e2guardian 100246 S uwait 0xfffff80003d3c980 e2guardian 100131 S uwait 0xfffff8002de3f280 e2guardian 100103 S uwait 0xfffff80022333400 e2guardian 100472 S sigwait 0xfffff800223ea000 e2guardian 23318 81222 81222 0 S accept 0xfffff8006064e88e php-fpm 74233 73167 72931 100 S sbwait 0xfffff800606e03fc ssl_crtd 74211 73167 72931 100 S sbwait 0xfffff8002dbda6b4 ssl_crtd 73964 73167 72931 100 S sbwait 0xfffff80003e6b3fc ssl_crtd 73751 73167 72931 100 S sbwait 0xfffff800227db3fc ssl_crtd 73505 73167 72931 100 S sbwait 0xfffff8002dbc7144 ssl_crtd 73167 72931 72931 100 S kqread 0xfffff8002de84100 squid 72931 1 72931 100 Ss wait 0xfffff800220d2000 squid 81222 1 81222 0 Ss kqread 0xfffff8002dc05a00 php-fpm 33868 1 26769 0 S+ wait 0xfffff800607979e0 sh 33408 32868 32868 0 S kqread 0xfffff800221fa900 nginx 33110 32868 32868 0 S kqread 0xfffff80022648700 nginx 32868 1 32868 0 Ss pause 0xfffff800605c8a88 nginx 32187 31953 32187 0 S+ ttyin 0xfffff8000388f0a8 sh 31953 31589 31953 0 S+ wait 0xfffff800607994f0 sh 31914 62516 31914 0 Ss (threaded) sshlockout_pf 100245 S nanslp 0xffffffff82001571 sshlockout_pf 100090 S piperd 0xfffff80003c132e8 sshlockout_pf 31589 1 31589 0 Ss+ wait 0xfffff80003b43000 login 17910 17755 17755 0 S nanslp 0xffffffff82001570 minicron 17755 1 17755 0 Ss wait 0xfffff80003c6e4f0 minicron 17486 16950 16950 0 S nanslp 0xffffffff82001570 minicron 16950 1 16950 0 Ss wait 0xfffff800220e69e0 minicron 16709 16073 16073 0 S nanslp 0xffffffff82001571 minicron 16073 1 16073 0 Ss wait 0xfffff8001f3f14f0 minicron 93640 1 93640 0 Rs (threaded) ntopng 100227 S nanslp 0xffffffff82001570 ntopng 100226 S nanslp 0xffffffff82001570 ntopng 100224 S bpf 0xfffff8002dadf800 ntopng 100223 S nanslp 0xffffffff82001571 ntopng 100222 S nanslp 0xffffffff82001571 ntopng 100221 S nanslp 0xffffffff82001571 ntopng 100220 Run CPU 1 ntopng 100219 S uwait 0xfffff800606b9f00 ntopng 100218 S uwait 0xfffff800606b9a80 ntopng 100217 S uwait 0xfffff80003c74d80 ntopng 100216 S uwait 0xfffff80003c75200 ntopng 100215 S uwait 0xfffff80003c75500 ntopng 100214 S select 0xfffff8001f689140 ntopng 100084 S nanslp 0xffffffff82001571 ntopng 93399 1 286 0 S (threaded) redis-server 100213 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6eb80 redis-server 100212 S uwait 0xfffff8001f6c3080 redis-server 100088 S kqread 0xfffff8002da41e00 redis-server 85832 81513 81171 100 S select 0xfffff80003c5d840 pinger 85623 81513 81171 100 S piperd 0xfffff8001f3d5000 unlinkd 84685 1 286 0 S wait 0xfffff80003ce89e0 sh 81513 81171 81171 100 S kqread 0xfffff8002dbd5700 squid 81171 1 81171 100 Ss wait 0xfffff80003c58000 squid 80210 1 80210 0 Ss (threaded) filterdns 100209 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6ea80 signal-thread 100208 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6fc00 100207 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6fb00 100206 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6fa00 filterdns 100205 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6f900 filterdns 100204 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6f800 filterdns 100203 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6f700 filterdns 100202 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6f600 filterdns 100201 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6f500 100200 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6f400 100199 S uwait 0xfffff8002db70580 100198 S uwait 0xfffff8002db70480 100197 S uwait 0xfffff8002db70380 100196 S uwait 0xfffff8002db70280 100195 S uwait 0xfffff8002db70180 100194 S uwait 0xfffff8002db70080 100193 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6ff00 100192 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6fe00 100191 S uwait 0xfffff8002db6fd00 filterdns 100190 S uwait 0xfffff800606bbd80 filterdns 100189 S uwait 0xfffff8002db70d80 filterdns 100188 S uwait 0xfffff8002db70c80 filterdns 100187 S uwait 0xfffff8002db70b80 filterdns 100186 S uwait 0xfffff8002db70a80 filterdns 100185 S uwait 0xfffff8002db70980 filterdns 100184 S uwait 0xfffff8002db70880 filterdns 100183 S uwait 0xfffff8002db70780 filterdns 100182 S uwait 0xfffff8002db70680 filterdns 100181 S uwait 0xfffff8002da55700 filterdns 100180 S uwait 0xfffff8002da55600 filterdns 100179 S uwait 0xfffff8002da55500 100178 S uwait 0xfffff8002da55400 100177 S uwait 0xfffff8002da55300 filterdns 100176 S uwait 0xfffff8002da55200 filterdns 100175 S uwait 0xfffff8002da55100 filterdns 100174 S uwait 0xfffff8002da55000 filterdns 100173 S uwait 0xfffff800606bbe80 100172 S uwait 0xfffff8002da56080 filterdns 100171 S uwait 0xfffff8002da55f00 filterdns 100170 S uwait 0xfffff8002da55e00 filterdns 100169 S uwait 0xfffff8002da55d00 filterdns 100168 S uwait 0xfffff8002da55c00 filterdns 100167 S uwait 0xfffff8002da55b00 filterdns 100166 S uwait 0xfffff8002da55a00 filterdns 100165 S uwait 0xfffff8002da55900 filterdns 100164 S uwait 0xfffff8002da55800 filterdns 100163 S uwait 0xfffff8002da56900 filterdns 100162 S uwait 0xfffff8002da56980 filterdns 100161 S uwait 0xfffff8002da56780 filterdns 100160 S uwait 0xfffff8002da56680 filterdns 100159 S uwait 0xfffff8002da56580 filterdns 100158 S uwait 0xfffff8002da56480 filterdns 100157 S uwait 0xfffff8002da56380 filterdns 100156 S uwait 0xfffff8002da56280 filterdns 100155 S uwait 0xfffff8002da56180 filterdns 100154 S uwait 0xfffff80003b5d800 filterdns 100153 S uwait 0xfffff80003b5d700 filterdns 100152 S uwait 0xfffff80003b5d600 filterdns 100151 S uwait 0xfffff80003d3f900 filterdns 100150 S uwait 0xfffff80003b5d300 filterdns 100149 S uwait 0xfffff80003b5d200 filterdns 100148 S uwait 0xfffff80003b5d400 filterdns 62516 1 62516 0 Ss select 0xfffff8001f68c4c0 syslogd 31944 1 31944 1002 Ss select 0xfffff8001f6d13c0 dhcpd 26322 1 26322 0 Ss (threaded) ntpd 100119 S select 0xfffff800606bb0c0 ntpd 25575 1 25575 0 Ss nanslp 0xffffffff82001571 cron 19818 1 19818 0 Ss kqread 0xfffff8001f696a00 dhcpleases 18996 1 18996 59 Ss (threaded) unbound 100488 S kqread 0xfffff80003b61700 unbound 100117 S kqread 0xfffff8002dbea700 unbound 17788 1 17788 0 Ss (threaded) dpinger 100115 S accept 0xfffff8001f6e488e dpinger 100114 S nanslp 0xffffffff82001570 dpinger 100113 S nanslp 0xffffffff82001571 dpinger 100112 S sbwait 0xfffff8001f6e4c24 dpinger 100111 S uwait 0xfffff80003b5d500 dpinger 14228 1 14228 0 Ss bpf 0xfffff80003cd6400 filterlog 11948 1 11948 65 Ss select 0xfffff80003d3d040 dhclient 7708 1 7708 0 Ss select 0xfffff80003d3eb40 dhclient 6600 1 6600 0 Ss (threaded) sshlockout_pf 100106 S nanslp 0xffffffff82001571 sshlockout_pf 100096 S uwait 0xfffff80003b47680 sshlockout_pf 6473 1 6473 0 Ss select 0xfffff80003d3dd40 sshd 337 1 337 0 Ss select 0xfffff80003c5c940 devd 326 324 324 0 S kqread 0xfffff80003ce7200 check_reload_status 324 1 324 0 Ss kqread 0xfffff80003bae400 check_reload_status 55 0 0 0 DL mdwait 0xfffff80003b1a000 [md0] 20 0 0 0 DL syncer 0xffffffff82052508 [syncer] 19 0 0 0 DL vlruwt 0xfffff80003b439e0 [vnlru] 18 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [bufdaemon] 100086 D sdflush 0xfffff80003b7d8e8 [/ worker] 100075 D psleep 0xffffffff82051704 [bufdaemon] 17 0 0 0 DL pgzero 0xffffffff8206283c [pagezero] 9 0 0 0 DL pollid 0xffffffff81fffe90 [idlepoll] 8 0 0 0 DL psleep 0xffffffff82061bc0 [vmdaemon] 7 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [pagedaemon] 100079 D umarcl 0xffffffff82061540 [uma] 100071 D psleep 0xffffffff82112c04 [pagedaemon] 6 0 0 0 DL waiting_ 0xffffffff821036c0 [sctp_iterator] 5 0 0 0 DL pftm 0xffffffff80d5db10 [pf purge] 16 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [usb] 100061 D - 0xfffffe00009e4e70 [usbus4] 100060 D - 0xfffffe00009e4e18 [usbus4] 100059 D - 0xfffffe00009e4dc0 [usbus4] 100058 D - 0xfffffe00009e4d68 [usbus4] 100057 D - 0xfffffe00009e4d10 [usbus4] 100056 D - 0xfffffe00009d4f48 [usbus3] 100055 D - 0xfffffe00009d4ef0 [usbus3] 100054 D - 0xfffffe00009d4e98 [usbus3] 100053 D - 0xfffffe00009d4e40 [usbus3] 100052 D - 0xfffffe00009d4de8 [usbus3] 100050 D - 0xfffffe00009c4f48 [usbus2] 100049 D - 0xfffffe00009c4ef0 [usbus2] 100048 D - 0xfffffe00009c4e98 [usbus2] 100047 D - 0xfffffe00009c4e40 [usbus2] 100046 D - 0xfffffe00009c4de8 [usbus2] 100044 D - 0xfffffe00009b4f48 [usbus1] 100043 D - 0xfffffe00009b4ef0 [usbus1] 100042 D - 0xfffffe00009b4e98 [usbus1] 100041 D - 0xfffffe00009b4e40 [usbus1] 100040 D - 0xfffffe00009b4de8 [usbus1] 100038 D - 0xfffffe000099cf48 [usbus0] 100037 D - 0xfffffe000099cef0 [usbus0] 100036 D - 0xfffffe000099ce98 [usbus0] 100035 D - 0xfffffe000099ce40 [usbus0] 100034 D - 0xfffffe000099cde8 [usbus0] 4 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [cam] 100070 D - 0xffffffff81f360c8 [scanner] 100019 D - 0xffffffff81f36280 [doneq0] 15 0 0 0 DL - 0xffffffff81f579c0 [rand_harvestq] 3 0 0 0 DL crypto_r 0xffffffff82060098 [crypto returns] 2 0 0 0 DL crypto_w 0xffffffff8205ff40 [crypto] 14 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [geom] 100013 D - 0xffffffff820f7de8 [g_down] 100012 D - 0xffffffff820f7de0 [g_up] 100011 D - 0xffffffff820f7dd8 [g_event] 13 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [ng_queue] 100010 D sleep 0xffffffff81ef46f8 [ng_queue1] 100009 D sleep 0xffffffff81ef46f8 [ng_queue0] 12 0 0 0 WL (threaded) [intr] 100078 I [swi1: netisr 1] 100068 I [swi1: pfsync] 100066 I [swi1: pf send] 100063 I [irq1: atkbd0] 100062 I [irq14: ata0] 100051 I [irq16: uhci3] 100045 I [irq18: uhci2] 100039 I [irq19: uhci1+] 100033 I [irq23: uhci0 ehci0] 100032 I [irq258: re0] 100027 I [swi5: fast taskq] 100025
I've got it all setup like you recommend Marcello, squid is on splice all. I've disabled ntopng just in case that was interferin
Just thinking a vage idea. Maybe you can make all your Android devices to connect to a specific subnet. Then you can authenticate by that subnet in a Group. This way you can filter with block list and content.
Maybe you can have one Wireless Router with DHCP relay assigning IPs by the subnet segment with a password only fro Android users.
The hardway is to have a MAC roster file with each Android device, then assign IPs reservations from a subnet pool.
But for mitm to work you have to use the CA.
Someone may have a better defined idea to this.
Just had another idea that maybe doable.
Let say we enable a SSH Server in the network and create a VPN connection from the Android devices to the SSH Server. Then the SSH server is sent to the e2guardian/squid traffic. The Android devices will get IPs from the VPN subnet, The traffic then can be filtered through the VPN with blocklist and content. The authentication/group can be done by the subnet.
I dont know if pfsense can be the VPN Server in this scheme but might be also doable.
This is away to do SSH Tunneling but requires rooting: there is away to do it without rooting. The link says that it needs rooting for Global Proxy, but we may not need this for our purpose.
Sorry I cant test this with my pfsense. What I have is a VM inside my PC with many Host only VMs that connect to outside world through the virtual pfsense. Maybe I can if I found an Android VM.
How do you load the CA certificate to the Android devices?
Just wandering how "easy" or complicated it is.
How do you load the CA certificate to the Android devices?
Just wandering how "easy" or complicated it is.
Well… I used to use a captive portal that I edited and made people install from. But then with WPAD and squid not having a patch for captive portal. It semi worked. So now for all the devices in the home I've installed the CA. Guest devices rely on splice all filtering (Basically only blacklist based filtering) and I use open dns. So DNS filtering too.
Ideally I'm hoping we can get the E2 Guardian devs to add a captive portal feature where clients are asked to install it before they are able to browse and use the Internet.
Ideally I'm hoping we can get the E2 Guardian devs to add a captive portal feature where clients are asked to install it before they are able to browse and use the Internet.
If you change to fully report, you can point it to captive porta login. Then you create an Default acl that accepts only captive portal page.
I have a Captive Portal with no authentication that does not have a submit button. The CP page shows the instructions how to configure the proxy and where to get the certificate. Without the submit button the device cant be registered as authorized in CP.
Then I have a folder with the CA certificates served by the web server for download. I add the certificates extension to the exceptions so they can do the download without being block by e2g.
The problem that I see now is that for Android devices the certificates are a special kind used only in the Android. Instead of just one crt according to this link: are two ('root.crt' and 'class3.crt').
Maybe someone with Android experience can shed some light.
Hi Marcello,
I decided to try again.
Installed via package manager. Tinyproxy first, E2Guardian second. I pressed 'save' first in the blacklist-tab, then 'download', then 'apply'. GUI in the right top corner gve me 8 messages about blacklist being applied. However, in status/services, E2guardian was not running (red cross), and clicking start also doesn't make it run.
System log:
Jun 29 00:10:11 root /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ WARNING: failed to start e2guardian
Jun 29 00:10:11 e2guardian 99798 Error parsing the e2guardian.conf file or other e2guardian configuration files
Jun 29 00:10:11 e2guardian 99798 Error reading filter group conf file(s).
Jun 29 00:10:11 e2guardian 99798 Error opening filter group config: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/e2guardianf1.conf
Jun 29 00:10:11 e2guardian 99798 Error opening bannedsitelist
Jun 29 00:10:11 e2guardian 99798 Error reading file: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/lists/bannedsitelist.g_Default
Jun 29 00:10:11 e2guardian 99798 Error opening file: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/lists/blacklists/adult/domains
Jun 29 00:10:11 e2guardian 99798 Error reading file /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/lists/blacklists/adult/domains: No such file or directory
Jun 29 00:10:11 e2guardian 99798 Error reading /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/lists/blacklists/adult/domains. Check directory and file permissions. They should be 640 and 750: No such file or directoryI do recall vaguely there should be a 'trick' to make it work, would you happen to know it?
Thank you & bye,
You don't need tinyproxy anymore and maybe you still have some files from old install.
All can be fixed via gui by reapplying blacklist under blacklist tab and then saving config then apply button.
How do you load the CA certificate to the Android devices?
Just wandering how "easy" or complicated it is.
Well… I used to use a captive portal that I edited and made people install from. But then with WPAD and squid not having a patch for captive portal. It semi worked. So now for all the devices in the home I've installed the CA. Guest devices rely on splice all filtering (Basically only blacklist based filtering) and I use open dns. So DNS filtering too.
Ideally I'm hoping we can get the E2 Guardian devs to add a captive portal feature where clients are asked to install it before they are able to browse and use the Internet.
How exactly did you installed the CA to the Android devices? Can you provide me a detail procedure?
I found this to be a useful App :
Can you test it? -
I have a Captive Portal with no authentication that does not have a submit button. The CP page shows the instructions how to configure the proxy and where to get the certificate. Without the submit button the device cant be registered as authorized in CP.
Then I have a folder with the CA certificates served by the web server for download. I add the certificates extension to the exceptions so they can do the download without being block by e2g.
The problem that I see now is that for Android devices the certificates are a special kind used only in the Android. Instead of just one crt according to this link: are two ('root.crt' and 'class3.crt').
Maybe someone with Android experience can shed some light.
AFAIK Android does not require special certificates. Just the one root CA to be installed. That's how it is with smoothwall also, you can just install one certificate for both Android and ios devices and have it working.
But you keep missing my point. On android the proxy needs to be set explicitly in settings so that https works through the proxy. You can't just NAT it but it seems somehow it can be done… Smoothwall just works without any extra settings needed at all. No explicit proxy setup. This is really what I want. I want all clients to go through the proxy.
I'm really not sure what trickery they use, but it just works. End users don't need to fumble around in proxy settings on android.
How do you load the CA certificate to the Android devices?
Just wandering how "easy" or complicated it is.
Well… I used to use a captive portal that I edited and made people install from. But then with WPAD and squid not having a patch for captive portal. It semi worked. So now for all the devices in the home I've installed the CA. Guest devices rely on splice all filtering (Basically only blacklist based filtering) and I use open dns. So DNS filtering too.
Ideally I'm hoping we can get the E2 Guardian devs to add a captive portal feature where clients are asked to install it before they are able to browse and use the Internet.
How exactly did you installed the CA to the Android devices? Can you provide me a detail procedure?
I found this to be a useful App :
Can you test it?I just threw the certificates into the WWW folder of the pfsense box. So then using the android devices I just navigated to my pfsense url and downloaded and installed via usual certificate installer in android.
I tested the app. It's useless for me. It requires you to input the url anyways, so why not just install it from the browser? Then you don't need another apk to be installed on all devices.
Without HTTPS MITM I've had E2Guardian working fine for a day. I've enabled it again and straight away I'm getting errors and crashes. How can I fix this once and for all? I still also somehow have tiny proxy showing in service status, despite not installing it. Perhaps some script needs to be added to wipe out all old files.
Here's the logs I got :
Jun 29 14:22:02 php-fpm 32691 /pkg.php: Restarting e2g by sending -Q action to e2g binaries Jun 29 14:22:03 php-fpm 37116 /pkg.php: Restarting e2g by sending -Q action to e2g binaries Jun 29 14:22:08 e2guardian 36929 I seem to be running already! Jun 29 14:22:19 check_reload_status Syncing firewall Jun 29 14:22:19 php-fpm 37907 /pkg_edit.php: [E2guardian] - Save settings package call pr:1 bp: rpc:no Jun 29 14:22:19 check_reload_status Syncing firewall Jun 29 14:22:20 check_reload_status Syncing firewall Jun 29 14:22:24 php-fpm 43118 /pkg.php: Restarting e2g by sending -Q action to e2g binaries Jun 29 14:22:30 e2guardian 53036 I seem to be running already! Jun 29 14:22:34 e2guardian 56913 I seem to be running already! Jun 29 14:22:34 root /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ WARNING: failed to start e2guardian Jun 29 14:22:36 e2guardian 57016 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/47/50/89/ Jun 29 14:22:36 check_reload_status Syncing firewall Jun 29 14:22:36 php-fpm 55051 /pkg_edit.php: [E2guardian] - Save settings package call pr: bp: rpc:no Jun 29 14:22:36 check_reload_status Syncing firewall Jun 29 14:22:37 check_reload_status Syncing firewall Jun 29 14:22:39 php-fpm 66155 /pkg.php: Starting E2guardian Jun 29 14:22:40 php-fpm 73552 /pkg.php: Restarting e2g by sending -Q action to e2g binaries Jun 29 14:22:45 e2guardian 73840 I seem to be running already! Jun 29 14:22:47 e2guardian 80263 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/E7/68/28/ Jun 29 14:22:55 e2guardian 12393 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/47/50/89/ Jun 29 14:23:00 e2guardian 15840 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/47/50/89/ Jun 29 14:23:10 e2guardian 23274 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/47/50/89/ Jun 29 14:23:19 e2guardian 28640 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/24/23/4C/ Jun 29 14:23:25 e2guardian 35412 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/47/50/89/ Jun 29 14:23:30 e2guardian 37220 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/24/23/4C/ Jun 29 14:23:39 e2guardian 43103 I seem to be running already! Jun 29 14:23:40 root /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ WARNING: failed to start e2guardian Jun 29 14:23:41 e2guardian 43759 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/24/23/4C/ Jun 29 14:23:50 e2guardian 74335 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/24/23/4C/ Jun 29 14:24:02 e2guardian 79051 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/47/50/89/ Jun 29 14:24:03 check_reload_status Syncing firewall Jun 29 14:24:03 php-fpm 74469 /pkg_edit.php: [E2guardian] - Save settings package call pr: bp: rpc:no Jun 29 14:24:03 check_reload_status Syncing firewall Jun 29 14:24:04 check_reload_status Syncing firewall Jun 29 14:24:06 php-fpm 89221 /pkg.php: Restarting e2g by sending -Q action to e2g binaries Jun 29 14:24:06 php-fpm 84621 /pkg.php: Restarting e2g by sending -Q action to e2g binaries Jun 29 14:24:16 e2guardian 97443 I seem to be running already! Jun 29 14:24:16 root /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ WARNING: failed to start e2guardian Jun 29 14:24:16 check_reload_status Syncing firewall Jun 29 14:24:16 php-fpm 97885 /pkg_edit.php: [E2guardian] - Save settings package call pr:1 bp: rpc:no Jun 29 14:24:17 check_reload_status Syncing firewall Jun 29 14:24:17 e2guardian 97688 I seem to be running already! Jun 29 14:24:17 e2guardian 98266 I seem to be running already! Jun 29 14:24:18 e2guardian 99780 I seem to be running already! Jun 29 14:24:18 root /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ WARNING: failed to start e2guardian Jun 29 14:24:18 check_reload_status Syncing firewall Jun 29 14:24:19 php-fpm 97885 /pkg.php: Restarting e2g by sending -Q action to e2g binaries Jun 29 14:24:20 php-fpm 12405 /pkg.php: Restarting e2g by sending -Q action to e2g binaries Jun 29 14:24:25 e2guardian 12333 I seem to be running already!
Maybe this is some permission issue? Shouldn't be the case since E2 Guardian runs as root.
Every time you see a -Q on logs, means that you applied the configuration and is executing what you defined on daemon tab
Jun 29 14:22:19 check_reload_status Syncing firewall Jun 29 14:22:03 php-fpm 37116 /pkg.php: Restarting e2g by sending -Q action to e2g binaries Jun 29 14:22:08 e2guardian 36929 I seem to be running already!
When this occurs, means that watchdog script started e2guardian while was executing the apply config. Not exactly an error because e2guardian is up and running but creates these alerts on logs.
Jun 29 14:22:47 e2guardian 80263 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/E7/68/28/ Jun 29 14:22:55 e2guardian 12393 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/47/50/89/ Jun 29 14:23:00 e2guardian 15840 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/47/50/89/ Jun 29 14:23:10 e2guardian 23274 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/47/50/89/ Jun 29 14:23:19 e2guardian 28640 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/24/23/4C/ Jun 29 14:23:25 e2guardian 35412 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/47/50/89/ Jun 29 14:23:30 e2guardian 37220 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/24/23/4C/ Jun 29 14:23:41 e2guardian 43759 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/24/23/4C/ Jun 29 14:23:50 e2guardian 74335 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/24/23/4C/ Jun 29 14:24:02 e2guardian 79051 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/47/50/89/
Check if /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts exists and what permissions it has
This is the dir MITM save the generated certs. Few versions behind I was removing it on uninstall. -
Every time you see a -Q on logs, means that you applied the configuration and is executing what you defined on daemon tab
Jun 29 14:22:19 check_reload_status Syncing firewall Jun 29 14:22:03 php-fpm 37116 /pkg.php: Restarting e2g by sending -Q action to e2g binaries Jun 29 14:22:08 e2guardian 36929 I seem to be running already!
When this occurs, means that watchdog script started e2guardian while was executing the apply config. Not exactly an error because e2guardian is up and running but creates these alerts on logs.
Jun 29 14:22:47 e2guardian 80263 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/E7/68/28/ Jun 29 14:22:55 e2guardian 12393 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/47/50/89/ Jun 29 14:23:00 e2guardian 15840 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/47/50/89/ Jun 29 14:23:10 e2guardian 23274 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/47/50/89/ Jun 29 14:23:19 e2guardian 28640 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/24/23/4C/ Jun 29 14:23:25 e2guardian 35412 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/47/50/89/ Jun 29 14:23:30 e2guardian 37220 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/24/23/4C/ Jun 29 14:23:41 e2guardian 43759 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/24/23/4C/ Jun 29 14:23:50 e2guardian 74335 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/24/23/4C/ Jun 29 14:24:02 e2guardian 79051 error creating certificate sub-directory: /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts/47/50/89/
Check if /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts exists and what permissions it has
This is the dir MITM save the generated certs. Few versions behind I was removing it on uninstall.The permissions the folder "/usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts" has is 644. However since I have MITM off right now, the directory is empty inside. Do you want me to delete this folder and let everything reinstall and regenerate?
EDIT: Enabled MITM for my group again and it seems the certs folder is empty. Which means it isn't generating the certs at all.
EDIT: Enabled MITM for my group again and it seems the certs folder is empty. Which means it isn't generating the certs at all.
check or set it to clamav:nobody
chown -R clamav:nobody /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/
my permissions on these dirs are 755
All can be fixed via gui by reapplying blacklist under blacklist tab and then saving config then apply button.
I'm afraid not, Marcello :-[
I tried both a reinstall, and an uninstall + install.
Go to blacklist tab: save, download list, reapply list, save.
Go to daemon tab: save, apply.Please see attached pics.
Thank you :)
EDIT: Enabled MITM for my group again and it seems the certs folder is empty. Which means it isn't generating the certs at all.
check or set it to clamav:nobody
chown -R clamav:nobody /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/
my permissions on these dirs are 755
Run those commands, now no SSL certs are being created at all. Let me try a reinstall, these issues are getting very annoying.
EDIT: Reinstalled now I got MITM back!! :D E2Guardian is correctly creating the certs again. Strangely enough : /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts still comes up as empty on FTP. Even though I connect as root.
The above issue is something I'm getting with HTTPS connections and it stops some services working. For now I have excluded some URL's in order to make some services such as Instagram work. Why is it failing to negotiate SSL connections? Is this due to SSL pinning?The URL in the screenshot is just an example, I have ads already blocked.
All can be fixed via gui by reapplying blacklist under blacklist tab and then saving config then apply button.
I'm afraid not, Marcello :-[
I tried both a reinstall, and an uninstall + install.
Go to blacklist tab: save, download list, reapply list, save.
Go to daemon tab: save, apply.Please see attached pics.
Thank you :)
[/quote]I had the same issues, try setting permissions to 777. And see if it works, I'm glad that I'm not the only one facing issues. However I am a bit curious as to how everyone else doesn't have these problems.
All can be fixed via gui by reapplying blacklist under blacklist tab and then saving config then apply button.
I'm afraid not, Marcello :-[
I tried both a reinstall, and an uninstall + install.
Go to blacklist tab: save, download list, reapply list, save.
Go to daemon tab: save, apply.Please see attached pics.
Thank you :)
[/quote]I had the same issues, try setting permissions to 777. And see if it works, I'm glad that I'm not the only one facing issues. However I am a bit curious as to how everyone else doesn't have these problems.
Thank you, pfsensation :)
Of course, by now I have no clue which directories ;D
Would you know?
Thank you.
EDIT: Enabled MITM for my group again and it seems the certs folder is empty. Which means it isn't generating the certs at all.
check or set it to clamav:nobody
chown -R clamav:nobody /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/
my permissions on these dirs are 755
Run those commands, now no SSL certs are being created at all. Let me try a reinstall, these issues are getting very annoying.
EDIT: Reinstalled now I got MITM back!! :D E2Guardian is correctly creating the certs again. Strangely enough : /usr/local/etc/e2guardian/ssl/generatedcerts still comes up as empty on FTP. Even though I connect as root.
The above issue is something I'm getting with HTTPS connections and it stops some services working. For now I have excluded some URL's in order to make some services such as Instagram work. Why is it failing to negotiate SSL connections? Is this due to SSL pinning?The URL in the screenshot is just an example, I have ads already blocked.
Is e2g blocking the connection? Sometimes ads are seen by e2g as bad stuff? Do you see a corresponding line in the e2g log to the logs your showing? If there is a corresponding line maybe the e2g log gives you the reason to the block and you can refine the e2g config.