How to print vouchers
I recently had the need to use Captive Portal in a pfSense installation.
I configured everything and enabled the vouchers functionality .
However, I was faced with a problem, vouchers need to be printed.
I searched and didn't found an easy way to print vouchers from pfSense.
So I decided to create myself a small Access-based application.
Once created, I decided it would be a waste keep it to myself.
So I decided to share it with everyone.If you want to try it,
The application can be used to print the vouchers in two ways, one by one in a POS printer or several each time in A4 format.
Try and enjoy it.
The application is free and is so easy to work with that I don't give any assistance on it, but if you find anything wrong, just let me know, of course.
need help, i can't extract the zip file, it gives some errors message
hey guys, i need help on how to install and use vouchergenerator
I already fixit.
Sorry about it. -
thank you, it is now installed but i do not know how to make it work
The app it's only for print the vouchers.
You need to create a .csv file in pfsense, then import it to the app.