IPv6 gif tunnel interface down
often IPv6 gif tunnel interface down, maybe i find the reason is at /system_advanced_network.php Hardware Checksum Offloading Hardware TCP Segmentation Offloading Hardware Large Receive Offloading
These three options are set to influence. Sometimes arbitrarily adjust these three options, IPV6 to work . But not fixed some options IPv6 work.

You already posted about your superweird setup, starting again with exact same lack of info doesn't help.
Yon… I really think maybe you need to work in the section of your native language.. Since you do not seem to understand what the word "detail" or "information" means.. And your style of troubleshooting seems to just be to click random shit without a clue..
And then you expect help by telling us its broke..
Yon… I really think maybe you need to work in the section of your native language.. Since you do not seem to understand what the word "detail" or "information" means.. And your style of troubleshooting seems to just be to click random shit without a clue..
And then you expect help by telling us its broke..
No I do not tell the details,But because there is no log can help.
You already posted about your superweird setup, starting again with exact same lack of info doesn't help.
i am find the ipv6 gif down the source of the relevant reason is hese three options are set to influence. Sometimes arbitrarily adjust these three options.
After upgrading the system, I need to repeat the attempt to edit the three settings options, and then work on the interface, but these three options and no fixed results are correct.
The following screenshot is the result of my manual adjustment to adjust the three options after work
No I do not tell the details,But because there is no log can help.
Then say that - SHOW that!!! there clearly would be a log of it coming up and then going down. If not then you have problem with your logging..
see example of log of my gif, I just hit save in my gif and it shows it going down and up, etc. Can you ping the endpoint your trying to run up the gif with? Who are you setting up this tunnel with.. Do they have a status page that shows the status of their tunnels like HE does? etc.. etc.. etc.. https://tunnelbroker.net/status.php
Which of your many many wan connections are you creating the tunnel through? How you got to has something to do with offloading is just beyond random.. Might well check if the moon is full or is your shoe lace untied… If you believe for some crazy reason it that - then give some details to help us follow your logic that lead you to that assumption..
Because your posts sound like this in english.. My car is broke, could it because its blue? My other car works..
log has no help for this. i don't know what is need.
I just went over all kinds of examples of what you could provide.. Lets look at 1 of those.. What wan interface you using to get to the dest of the gif? Who is the gif setup with? HE, someone else? Can you ping the IP, are they showing any problems - do they have a status page. Is the wan link your gif is using to connect to having problems? etc. etc. etc..
From your post your have a bajillion wan interfaces and vpns, most of them showing problems, etc… So yeah if your wan you use to get to the gif is having problem then your gif will not come up! In what fantasy world would you think that your issues has anything to do with offloading? If offloading was a problem then most likely nothing would work.. Did this mess you have ever work..
What else is in the log when your gifs are going up and down? You filtered that to only show gif, etc.
We can help you without info!!! All you keep saying is my car is broke, look here its blue!
only ipv6 gif tunnel has the issue, ipv6 using he.net service, I have to contact he.net and confirm that there is no problem with them.
Tunnels are stateless so make certain your IPv4 endpoints are up to date in our system and that no filtering is happening by your ISP or any configuration on your systems.
Both tunnel IDs are showing they are properly configured on our end, however I'm not seeing counters increment on either.
Alex Broque
Sr. Network Engineer
Hurricane Electric AS6939 -
I just went over all kinds of examples of what you could provide.. Lets look at 1 of those.. What wan interface you using to get to the dest of the gif? Who is the gif setup with? HE, someone else? Can you ping the IP, are they showing any problems - do they have a status page. Is the wan link your gif is using to connect to having problems? etc. etc. etc..
From your post your have a bajillion wan interfaces and vpns, most of them showing problems, etc… So yeah if your wan you use to get to the gif is having problem then your gif will not come up! In what fantasy world would you think that your issues has anything to do with offloading? If offloading was a problem then most likely nothing would work.. Did this mess you have ever work..
What else is in the log when your gifs are going up and down? You filtered that to only show gif, etc.
We can help you without info!!! All you keep saying is my car is broke, look here its blue!
No useful log can help. The problem has been around for a while.I had to guess the reasons for the search,Found related to these three option settings.Because after repeated debugging of these three options set, ipv6 interface work. I think only the program developers know more about the possible problems than we do.
Im done this is just gibberish.. Sorry.. I have zero issues with HE.. been running them for years.
Multiple posts in asking for info, examples of info.. And still all we get is broke.. have managed to pull out its HE.. what wan connection are you using to access it, etc.. Trying to route your gif through a vpn? etc.. Details!!
From your screenshot quite a of bit is down, multiple connections and or latency issues.. You prob have it set to reset all your states on pfsense thinking a gateway is down.. What I can tell from your screenshot is you have complete and utter MESS!!
If you think it has to do with offloading - then turn off.. Does it fix your problem?
Im done this is just gibberish.. Sorry.. I have zero issues with HE.. been running them for years.
Multiple posts in asking for info, examples of info.. And still all we get is broke.. have managed to pull out its HE.. what wan connection are you using to access it, etc.. Trying to route your gif through a vpn? etc.. Details!!
From your screenshot quite a of bit is down, multiple connections and or latency issues.. You prob have it set to reset all your states on pfsense thinking a gateway is down.. What I can tell from your screenshot is you have complete and utter MESS!!
If you think it has to do with offloading - then turn off.. Does it fix your problem?
i have no via VPN to he.net tunnle. turn off or on Repeatedly set any options. It is not fixed which option is correct.So the problem is here, can not determine a fixed option.
The problem is not resolved, there is still a problem after restarting the system.
The problem is still unresolved,I have to make a video record to reflect the problem ???