SQUIDGUARD Times- date range bug?
When I go to squidguard, in the "times" option to create an hour plan the system will not let me save the date range: 2017.11.02-2017.12.03 or any other
in fact any range that you try to add will give a message stating that it does not agree with the correct mask, but the right way to add a date range is this one, right?
:o Curious! Same to me.
Probably never worked. Once again got lost in the shitty code, the guy who wrote this must have been smoking something extremely strong. Unless you provide a patch noone's going to fix it.
Probably never worked. Once again got lost in the shitty code, the guy who wrote this must have been smoking something extremely strong. Unless you provide a patch noone's going to fix it.
@docktornotor thanks for the indication of the file to be changed. I have reviewed the file and fix the bug. @Marco Noronha, Now we can have timerange in pfsense's Squidguard configurator. ;D ;D ;D
To fix, just edit the squidguard_configurator.inc file.
Patch to file on pfsense: /usr/local/pkg/squidguard_configurator.inc
## line 285
New value:
define('F_DATERANGE', 'daterange');
This change will fix a typo.
Old value:
define('F_DATRANGE', 'daterange');
## line 1838
New value:$dtfmt = "/^([0-9]{4})\.([0-9]{2})\.([0-9]{2})\-([0-9]{4})\.([0-9]{2})\.([0-9]{2})$/i";
This change will fix the date comparison variable in case of date range
Old value:
$dtfmt = "/^([0-9]{4})\.([0-9]{2})\.([0-9]{2})/i";
## line 1841
New value:if (preg_match("{$dtfmt}", $val)) {
This change will fix the date range comparison
Old value:
if (preg_match("{$dtfmt}-{$dtfmt}$", $val)) {
## line 1846
New value:elseif (!preg_match("/^(([0-9]{4})|[*])\.(([0-9]{2})|[*])\.(([0-9]{2})|[*])$|^([0-9]{4})\.([0-9]{2})\.([0-9]{2})\-([0-9]{4})\.([0-9]{2})\.([0-9]{2})$/i", $val)) { [i]This change is the solution to the main complaint in this post. It will make it possible to create the date range in all possible squidguard patterns.[/i] Old value: [code]elseif (!preg_match("/^(([0-9]{4})|[*])\.(([0-9]{2})|[*])\.(([0-9]{2})|[*])$/i", $val)) { [b][BONUS][/b] How to set "date" to default option on TIME TYPE field on SG configurator instead of "weekly". Patch to file: /usr/local/pkg/squidguard_time.xml [b]## line 108[/b] New Value: [code]<value>date</value>[/code] Old Value: [code]<value>weekly</value>[/code] [/code]
Would be better to submit a proper pull request at GitHub.
I proposed a pull request on github.
Nice, thanks. ;)