Looking for SUPER simple portal for LAN Party
I'm having a hard time finding a template that will allow my to have people hit the portal, Capture their IP/Hostname, Input First, Last, Gamer Alias and agree to "Not at Fault" wordage. I'm wanting to associate an IP Address and a person in the event someone's computer is crippling (storming) the network. (Had this problem at the last LAN and it took a VERY long time it was out of 200 peeps)
There is no ability in pfSense captive portal to capture such information. You will have to code it yourself.
You might be able to leverage giving each party participant a voucher code and tracking it that way.
Added to that, a captive portal should be run on its dedicated interface (VLAN, or more simpler : OPT1).
The hostname is communicated by the device when DHCP handshaking takes place, but know that a device doesn't have to communicate one.
Also note that IP's, MAC's and host names can be fakes because user (== read : visitor) editable.