OT certs renewal
Hi all
I have a pfsense box with openvpn and about 60/70 clients.
After one year of nice work certs become to expire.How can I extend the validity ?
Create a new certificate.
When you create one you can specify how long it is valid.I'm not sure if it's even possible to extend an existing certificate.
Maybe you should ask the guys at http://openvpn.net -
isn't human to recreate and redestribuite all the certificates.
Well you should have thought about the expiration time before.
If your Identification Card expires there's no way to extend the current one and you need a new one….http://openvpn.net/archive/openvpn-users/2002-07/msg00033.html
(there is always google you can ask if you dont beliefe me that you have to redistribute your certificates)