Using gmail login credentials as pfsense captive portal login credentials
Dear all
i have customer who is running his school each and every teachers and students have there school google apps ID want to use it as a authentication to gain internet access via pfsense firewall.
Dear all
i have customer who is running his school each and every teachers and students have there school google apps ID want to use it as a authentication to gain internet access via pfsense firewall.
Hi !
As you already know, "Google ID" isn't a option to authenticate.
But, some 'scripting' here /usr/local/captiveportal/index.php and here /etc/inc/ and your ok ;)
(and redo your edits every update, of course) -
Dear sir,
first of all thanks, could you able to send those scripts. since i don't know to code. so kindly send those scripts i will be grateful to you.
No-one ever wrote those scripts !But, I discovered recently that the package FreeRadius3, proposed by pfSense, could handle the Google Authentication.
This means, no coding what so ever.
Take note : setting up a FreeRadius includes some serious learning. Google, as shown, can help you.