Ntopng emitter
The version of ntopng showing in the package manager is 0.8.11, whereas the ntopng's version on their site is 3.x.
Does the 0.8.11 version mean the freebsd ports version, or the actual version of ntopng?
Also, as I am running pfsense on embedded systems, is there a configuration that will send probed info to another ntopng server to be processed and stored there, or should I try to configure nprobe?
0.8.11 is the version of the pfSense GUI package for ntopng, it doesn't relate to the ntopng version which you can see listed in the package dependencies in the lower portion of the package manager listing.
OOC - who is the pkg maintainer for ntopng? The FreeBSD port is up to 3.2.2017.12.27_1. It'd be really nice to get an updated pfSense package, which might help with some of the coredumps people (myself included) have been having.
its in ports 2018Q1 so shouldnt it just update since it got merged today??
Once everything gets built, yes, it will be updated in snapshots (2.4.3 and 2.3.6 dev snapshots). Probably won't be merged back into 2.4.2/2.3.5 automatically.