Zerotier One as a package - $100USD
I've reached out to all you with a minor update, fixing some bugs.
I have an updated zerotier package and pfSense-zerotier package coming in a few weeks as FreeBSD just updated their zerotier package to the newest version. It should be a clean simple process.
Thx zev – I've got a couple minor bugs to ask about ... best to post them publicly here or privately via email?
Post them on GitHub for me would you?
ok cool, will do
(…crosspost from GitHub…)
Just noting here in case anyone missed it that ZeroTier 1.1.17 / 1.2.0 beta is out and has some great new features, notably big performance improvements and SDN-like rulesets. So if there is any development going on with the pfSense/FreeBSD package, halting and retargeting this new release seems wise. The 1.1.14 (previous stable) build never materialized on FreeBSD anyway, and the old one that ships with this package (1.1.4) core dumped on me a handful of times so I uninstalled it.
Here's the blogpost describing 1.2.0:, as of now, it seems there's a problem with the FreeBSD build: -
is this still actively developed? i'd like to chime in with $30 (will send via paypal)
Will gladly pitch another $20 if it can be continued.
I'll throw another $100 into the fray to get this updated and pushed into the package repo.
Would keen to see all of the controller functionality working as well.
It seems this project was dropped by the previous person. Would anyone else be willing to pick up the project and work to update it to final full release package to the pfsense community?
I'll offer another $100 to the new bounty for this.
Im in for $250 if anyone wants to pick this up.
So I have been playing around with this. I have one primary issue which has to be solved before I can update/build the functionality of the client and controller.
Right now I have started from the ground up building a package. I can get the service started and track it in the services menu. Once started via the gui I can use the cli to join a network and then assign the interface.
The issue is then when the system reboots the daemon doesn't appear to start before the configuration is loaded and that leads to an interface mismatch that requires Cli interaction to bring the system up again.
I'm open to any ideas you all have to get the service started before the config loads.
I have it able to reboot and keep the interfaces. I don't know if it's the most elegant solution but it works. Also started working on the client output see attached.

Still making progress on the controller. Just wondering if anyone has interest in the package?
If you see anything on the interfaces you want to change let me know.Thanks,

wow this is pretty great!
I'm sure this will pick up steam really quickly, lots of people are talking about integrating zerotier into routers on their forums. People (myself included) are running ubuntu VMs and machines as bridges as a workaround. Having it built into PFsense will make it much easier to configure and control.
Thanks for your efforts!
I'll pledge $250 for towards the package as well.
Chancem, not sure how you're starting it back up on boot but I'm doing it like this:
in /etc/rc.bootup i add
mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig lo0 up");
mwexec("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/zerotier onestart > /dev/null");
mwexec("/bin/sleep 6");just before the:
Code: [Select]
echo "Loading configuration…";
echo "done.\n";I found this somewhere else on this forum so credit goes not to me but to the person who figured this out - ariel I think.
Don't know if this helps just thought I'd put it out there.
Thanks for working on this package!
I'll pledge $250 for towards the package as well.
Chancem, not sure how you're starting it back up on boot but I'm doing it like this:
in /etc/rc.bootup i add
mwexec("/sbin/ifconfig lo0 up");
mwexec("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/zerotier onestart > /dev/null");
mwexec("/bin/sleep 6");just before the:
Code: [Select]
echo "Loading configuration…";
echo "done.\n";I found this somewhere else on this forum so credit goes not to me but to the person who figured this out - ariel I think.
Don't know if this helps just thought I'd put it out there.
Thanks for working on this package!
Thanks! Currently I have added them to excepted Interfaces similar to ovpn or other of these types of interfaces.
Just wanted to give you guys a demo of my current progress.
You're making incredible progress, great work!
thanks very much
This looks really cool! I'll kick in another $100.
(I'm new to the forum. How do I send in payment?)
Where can one get and try out this package. If it works well, i'd donate to the package creator. I just haven't used zerotier before but it sounds better than my openvpn setup.
I compiled the package and tried it out. Still some bugs on defining networks within pfSense but overall, I can ping :) Now I need to read up on OSPF routing and set up some dynamic routing.