Unofficial E2guardian package for pfSense
My E2guardian won't start after a reboot, and the only way to get it working again is to reinstall the package. Anyone else getting the same problem?
My E2guardian won't start after a reboot, and the only way to get it working again is to reinstall the package. Anyone else getting the same problem?
I have the same issue from time to time, after pfsense upgrades a reinstall is pretty much a must. I still seem to get crashes… I wish this would get updated.
Hi guys!
Version 0.4.2 is ready for download.
whats new:
Included sample logic rotine to html report page, so you can back to original file at any time if you want
Improved e2gerror logic and added a denied only log feature to the package
Added e2guradian real time tab, processing e2guardian default logs, e2g squid format logs and logs form e2gerror.php page
My real time logs don't show up like this. All the ip's are the same '' on mine and it doesn't show me the 'detailed denied logs'
I've managed get the ip's showing by using these settings :
forwardedfor = on usexforwardedfor = on
But how how get it to show the 'Default Denied Log' ?
I've started migrating e2guardian package to version 5
according to developer, E2guardian 5 has
Direct access mode
ICAP mode to work as a 'helper' for squid
transparent ssl
It requires a lot of tests and config file changes, so it may take some time.
I've started migrating e2guardian package to version 5
As v4.1 crashes without squid parent with ssl interception enabled, i decided to remove it from Unofficial 2.4 repo package list
What is working on version
- Direct access mode
I'm using with direct mode access and ssl interception. Until now, no crashes. I'll start including ssl transparent rules code and fix xmlrpc sync.
package Version 0.5.0_9
Fixed xmlrpc code to sync between master and slave boxes
transparent proxy rules
Missing/ Need testing
- ICAP mode to work as a squid helper
I Did a lot of tests with E2guardian as the only proxy installed on pfSense and until now no crashes
A lot of lists and config has changed since v4.1, so testing and feedbacks are always welcome.
Hi Marcello, i have make tests now with de new version in transparent mode and is working as expected. Only issue is in the log, https is not showing in te real time only http.
Thanks for your work, very nice!
Hi Marcello, i have make tests now with de new version in transparent mode and is working as expected. Only issue is in the log, https is not showing in te real time only http.
Thanks for your work, very nice! guys work really fast!
Log issues fixed and Unofficial repository updated. 8)
Hi Marcello,
you are great! I love V5.
Found a little mistake:
I change logfile format to "squid style". Because I want to you lightsquid to parse logfiles.
In the squid format there is a bug: internal ip of requestor is missing. :-(
Seems this was a bug on V4 who was already fixed, but is in V5 here again.
Another question:
Can someone give me a hint how to send e2guardian access.log to remote server?
I have graylog up and running. The Pfsense Logfiles could be sending to graylog sever, but I have no idea how to send e2guardians log.
Best Regards,
Kai -
Hi Marcello,
you are great! I love V5.
Found a little mistake:
I change logfile format to "squid style". Because I want to you lightsquid to parse logfiles.
In the squid format there is a bug: internal ip of requestor is missing. :-(
Seems this was a bug on V4 who was already fixed, but is in V5 here again.
Addition: Just read about fixed issue in your former post - I´ll give it a try
Another question:
Can someone give me a hint how to send e2guardian access.log to remote server?
I have graylog up and running. The Pfsense Logfiles could be sending to graylog sever, but I have no idea how to send e2guardians log.
Best Regards,
Kai -
try latest pkg version. E2guardian team fixed it today
About remote syslog, I did not tried any tool yet.
try latest pkg version. E2guardian team fixed it today
About remote syslog, I did not tried any tool yet.
I think I made a mistake
some sites do not open
Can you share configuration screenshotsthanks.
congratulations and thanks
I did not test mobile devices but the pc works very well
but realtime logs look empty
why -
I did not test mobile devices but the pc works very well
but realtime logs look empty
whycheck if you box has the e2guardian logs on /var/log/e2guardian.
You can also try to change log type under Report and Logs tab.
Congratulations on your work
it works fine but it will be my responsibility
Do not have user (ip) site login authorization section? ips only has one group. why?
for example: facebook block facebook pass - youtube block
SquidGuard is very flexible and accomplished in this way
but with SSL proxy problem -
Do not have user (ip) site login authorization section? ips only has one group. why?
for example: facebook block facebook pass - youtube blockJust create another group and change acl combination.
SquidGuard is very flexible and accomplished in this way
Definitely not. You will need more time to understand it's config style but e2guardian config is full featured.