OpenVPN TAP "Bridge DHCP" - Grayed out?
Hello forum members.
Thank you all for the wonderful knowledge you have contributed to the forum.
Iv learned quite a bit and finally setup a great pfsense box. Long time lurker first time poster.
I am running the latest development build for pfsense "2.4.3-DEVELOPMENT (amd64)
built on Wed Mar 14 16:48:00 CDT 2018 "I am messing around with Openvpn and wanted to create a TAP connection.
The issue I am having is I can not click the "Bridge DHCP" checkbox.
Has anyone else had this issue? I was wondering if pfsense 2.4.3 has disabled this for the time being until TAP connection issues could be resolved. I have searched the forums and cant seem to find a solution to my issue. I tried multiple browsers and disabled all ad blockers.
I feel like I MUST be missing something.
Thank you for your help
The IPv4 & IPv6 tunnel lines just above the "Bridge DHCP" toggle should be empty when running in TAP mode. Those lines are for the TUN mode virtual networks.
This snippet is from a live config on 2.4.3.

Thank you bfeitell for your reply. I do have those fields blank but I am unable to check that box "Bridge DHCP" It just wont let me click it. It has a red circle when I move my mouse over it.
Now that I see someone has it checked in 2.4.3, I will continue my pursuit and see what I may be missing.
It seems that for TAP mode, the server mode must be remote access, and not peer to peer. My setup is for remote access.
If that was the case the option would not be there.
Is there a LAN interface configured to bridge with? Does that interface have a DHCP server defined?
This forum has a lot of good things that I have not known.
Thanks for all the good forum.