Help: Many CP enabled and assigned to Interfaces but Only one CP its working
Hello, all PFSense enthusiasts and gurus.
Attached it's my Interfaces and CP Service status screenshots, I've configured 6 Interfaces OPT1-OPT6 and enabled a CP for each one.
I can access the CP on OPT1 but the others not.
I've configured firewall rules for each OPT - Screenshot AttachedI've tried many things but I haven't been able to get the 6 CP working in this PFSense box.
can someone help me to get light on how to get all CP working?
Thanks in advance.
No guru here ;)
Image 1 and 2 seem ok - nothing really to see actually.
But rule 3 : WAN_DHCP as a gateway ? I haven't set 'nothing'.Do you see the login page ? Login User defined ? They have the 'rights' to visite the captive portal ?
Added to that : after reading : first issue : people mess up DNS.
They leave the perfect DNS Resolver to switch to the DNS forwarder with exotic settings.
Better : FreeRadius + MySQL. Or better is : make portal work with local user authorization, and build up from there.
Then there are those with roque AP points.
VLAN mess … (not your issue probably).
DHCP server on each OPTx is ok ? (pool, etc)
So, client receive an IP, Gateway and DNS (last 2 should be the IP of the OPTx network - so 192.168.y.1)
Client can resolve ;DTour turn.
Thanks for your reply :)
I see login page only for the first CP configured
Multiple CPs work fine.
Thanks to all for yours replies
I found out what was my BIG FAULT :D
CP are assigned ports increasing by 2
8002, 8004,8006 and so on.
connecting to:, etcSolved my problem