Command line cmd to trigger ip update?
What is the cmd line command to just do an ip update?Thank you
My dnsbl list is very large, and takes the internet down ( resolve dns ) for several minutes when it updates, so I have that scheduled to run in the middle of the night. However, I wanted to run the ipv4 update hourly, without the dnsbl update. I am thinking if I knew the command to just do the ipv4 update, this would be achievable. I can see in the ui it is possible to trigger just a ip reload, so I think just ip update should be possible. I intend to take the cmd line call and stick it in a new cron job. -
Did you try to set the Update Frequency of your DNSBL tables to "Once a day"
And the Cron start hour in the middle of the night?
Actually I am having difficulties with the cron settings, very similar to this person (drewsaur):
unfortunately it was decided he did not have a bug and ignored :(I get the same error, only ever updates at 1:30. Played around with it a bit, and it seems the only field that takes is the minute field "pfb_min" it ignores the rest. The cron settings solution you indicated is a good idea, but seems unlikely to work because of the above error. Unlike drewsaur, having it only update at 1:30 am was not really a problem for me. Rather then try and fix a messed up cron thing, I figured it would be easier just to add a new job for what I wanted.
. . .
I dug through the pfblockerng_update.php to find the command, it it looks like its not command line at all per say, but sending a call to pfblockerng.php, which in turn calls sync_package_pfblockerng. Not familiar with bsd or package manager so will continue down the rabbit hole when I have time.
sync_package_pfblockerng is not a package manager call at all I guess, it is defined in, which is executing .php to do the update. A neat way to do it.edit:
answering my original question:commands for pfblocker can be executed with:
/usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/www/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.php [put your option here]
ex: /usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/www/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.php updatethe options for [put your option here] are defined in the /usr/local/www/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.php file in a switch statement. None of them achieve the objective of my original question.
My personal solution was to add a new option by editing pfblockerng.php & This is a grade A hack job, but if anyone is interested inquire and I will post the details.