[Solved] Captive Portal https Problem (works with Http)
here i changed to the followings :
Cert commun name : CapAdmins.Simulation.com
https Server name : CapAdmins.Simulation.com
DNS resolution CapAdmins : (the captive portal interface) with the domain : Simulation.com
Still problem :/
When you connected your device to the captive portal interface, could you resolve :
CapAdmins.Simulation.com ?
It should return ""And your cert contains "CapAdmins.Simulation.com" ?
And what do you mean by "problems" ?
Any portal and captive webs server logs ?You use the default captive portal login page, right ?
yes the default web page.
and yes for the certificate (name and also commun name)
yes it resolves with for the logs i'll get them right away for u
Edit : The logs are for authentication i dont even get there i get "bad gateway" in microsoft edge, and "The page isn't redirecting properly" with firefox
Edit 2 : I tried the host override thing like u nothing changed
No clues from me.
Witrhout further details, I'll go for a VLAN issue. -
Thanks a lot i guess it might be related to that…
can u like test it ? if you have some time
can u like test it ? if you have some timeWell, I'm using the captive portal for the last 10 years or so.
I guess tests are over for me ;) -
you mean its working with vlans ? the https redirection works correctly if the interface is a vlan interface in ur case ?
Never used vlan's.
Portal has a dedicated NIC. -
Captive portal doesn't care if it is on a VLAN interface.
solved : i have to not use cap letters