Need to create virtual NIC in Ubuntu 18.04 as with Windows 10 have
Hi all.
I am looking for a "loopback interface" as in my windows partition have, i have a pfsense wmware virtualized, the loopback interface gets an ip address from the virtualized pfsense and i can route all trafic to pfsense.
I have the same scenario in Ubuntu 18.04, since netplan and network manager is managing my wifi and real nic adapter, how i can install a "virtual loopback interface" or "virtual nic" for get an ip address from my virtualized pfsense machine?
Thanks all!
I have set a dummy interface:
ip li add dummy0 type dummy
Then i have bridged vmware vmnet2 to dummy0, now when i do "dhclient dummy0" i receive IP from pfsense.
But when i ping to pfsense firewall all packets are loss 100 %
These are Linux and VMware questions that have nothing to do with pfSense specifically. Maybe a VMware forum would be more useful to you.
@oscar77 said in Need to create virtual NIC in Ubuntu 18.04 as with Windows 10 have:
But when i ping to pfsense firewall all packets are loss 100 %
why?Did you try to ping ubuntu from pfsense?
What is the output in ubuntu of
ip route -
@gjaltemba thx for your response.
I finally solve it, i'm using this script:
Setup network namespace with veth pair, start xterm in it
nsterm ns0 veth0 10.0.0 yellow 24
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2
exit 1
COL=${4:-yellow}echo ns=$NS dev=$DEV col=$COL mask=$MASK
ip netns add $NS
ip link add $DEV_A type veth peer name $DEV_B netns $NS
ip addr add $ADDR_A/$MASK dev $DEV_A
ip link set ${DEV}a up
ip netns exec $NS ip addr add $ADDR_B/$MASK dev $DEV_B
ip netns exec $NS ip link set ${DEV}b up
ip netns exec $NS ip route add default via $ADDR_A dev $DEV_B
ip netns exec $NS su -c "xterm -bg $COL &" USERWhen i do "dhclient veth0a" i receive ip address from pfsense, and i can finally route all traffic throught pfsense