[SOLVED] pfBlockerNG - Reloading unbound fails
Sep 29 18:07:02 unbound 71145:0 error: remote control failed ssl crypto error:14094412:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert bad certificate
Sep 29 18:07:02 unbound 71145:0 notice: failed connection from port 24090
Sep 29 18:07:02 unbound 71145:0 error: remote control connection closed prematurely
Sep 29 18:07:02 unbound 71145:0 error: remote control failed ssl crypto error:14094412:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert bad certificate
Sep 29 18:07:02 unbound 71145:0 notice: failed connection from port 48160
Sep 29 18:07:02 unbound 71145:0 error: remote control connection closed prematurely
Sep 29 18:07:02 unbound 71145:0 error: remote control failed ssl crypto error:14094412:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert bad certificate
Sep 29 18:07:02 unbound 71145:0 notice: failed connection from port 60622
Sep 29 18:07:02 unbound 71145:0 error: remote control connection closed prematurely
Sep 29 18:07:02 unbound 71145:0 error: remote control failed ssl crypto error:14094412:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert bad certificate
Sep 29 18:07:02 unbound 71145:0 notice: failed connection from port 35310
Sep 29 18:07:02 unbound 71145:0 error: remote control connection closed prematurely
Sep 29 18:07:02 unbound 71145:0 error: remote control failed ssl crypto error:14094412:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert bad certificate
Sep 29 18:07:02 unbound 71145:0 notice: failed connection from port 10312
Sep 29 18:07:02 unbound 71145:0 error: remote control connection closed prematurelyAny ideas where I should look next?
Did you enable DNSSEC in the Resolver? If you're using the Resolver in "Forwarder mode", ensure that the DNS Servers that your using support DNSSEC.
Thanks for getting back so quickly. DNSSEC was enabled, forwarding was not. I disabled DNSSEC, restarted unbound and tried again, but the messages remain the same on both fronts.
Enable "Suppression" in the pfBlockerNG General Tab, then run a "Force Reload - All" and see if that fixes it for you…
Does this command execute ok?
unbound-control -c /var/unbound/unbound.conf status
Enabled suppression and tried again, still the same.
And no, the command does not execute OK:
error: Error setting up SSL_CTX client key and cert 34386131464:error:0200100D:system library:fopen:Permission denied:/builder/pfsense-232/tmp/FreeBSD-src/secure/lib/libcrypto/../../../crypto/openssl/crypto/bio/bss_file.c:398:fopen('/var/unbound/unbound_control.pem','r') 34386131464:error:20074002:BIO routines:FILE_CTRL:system lib:/builder/pfsense-232/tmp/FreeBSD-src/secure/lib/libcrypto/../../../crypto/openssl/crypto/bio/bss_file.c:400: 34386131464:error:140DC002:SSL routines:SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file:system lib:/builder/pfsense-232/tmp/FreeBSD-src/secure/lib/libssl/../../../crypto/openssl/ssl/ssl_rsa.c:687:
Something is wrong with the Resolver installation… Leave DNSBL disabled for now, and post in the DHCP/DNS section to see how to fix that issue with the base software...
Make sure to post what version of pfSense you are using. Or maybe try a fresh install and copy back you current config?
Once you have the Resolver functional, then re-enable DNSBL...
All right, thanks for your help.
One more thing: When I ran the unbound-control command just then I was NOT logged in as admin/root, but as another user who I thought had the same rights, which does not seem to be true. Running as root gives me
unbound-control -c /var/unbound/unbound.conf status error: SSL handshake failed 34386131464:error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed:/builder/pfsense-232/tmp/FreeBSD-src/secure/lib/libssl/../../../crypto/openssl/ssl/s3_clnt.c:1185:
I don't know how, but a reboot seems to have fixed it. unbound doesn't throw any errors, and DNSBL work as they should.
I had the same problem, restart didn't work for me.
What did help is that I disabled EasyPrivacy in DNSBL EasyList.
Not sure why this happened exactly, but maybe it will help people out who find this topic.
I had this same Error: Reloading Unbound… Failed to Reload... Restoring previous database.... Not completed.
Disabling EasyPrivacy in DNSBL EasyList also worked for me.
Using PFSense 2.4.2 p1 latest release
I had the same issues and found another solution:
Sometimes the certificates generated by ubound are not valid (by time/date/etc.).
Solution: delete all certificates from ubound in the folder /var/ubound/ - than restart pfsense/ubound.
same here,
after deletingunbound_control.key
unbound_server.pemreboot everything worked no error in
unbound-control -c /var/unbound/unbound.conf status
@noplan said in [SOLVED] pfBlockerNG - Reloading unbound fails:
unbound-control -c /var/unbound/unbound.conf status
Hello, I am a beginner in pfsense, please can you tell me what are the commands to delete these files? or is there an interface to remove them?
Hello, I am a beginner in pfsense, please can you tell me what are the commands to delete these files? or is there an interface to remove them?
rm unbound_control.key
be aware ! and understand what you are doing.
cool thing !
have fun & stay safe nP -
@noplan Many thanks. Removing those files (dated 1969) and restarting the Unbound service worked for me