System patches error
Error: arning: Illegal string offset 'item' in /usr/local/www/system_patches.php on line 37 Warning: Illegal string offset 'item' in /usr/local/www/system_patches.php on line 40 Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot create references to/from string offsets in /usr/local/www/system_patches.php:40 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /usr/local/www/system_patches.php on line 40 PHP ERROR: Type: 1, File: /usr/local/www/system_patches.php, Line: 40, Message: Uncaught Error: Cannot create references to/from string offsets in /usr/local/www/system_patches.php:40 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrownNotices:
PHP ERROR: Type: 1, File: /usr/local/www/system_patches.php, Line: 40, Message: Uncaught Error: Cannot create references to/from string offsets in /usr/local/www/system_patches.php:40
Stack trace:
#0 {main}System_Patches 1.1.8 on built on Thu Jul 12 08:51:04 EDT 2018
Are you still seeing that on a current snapshot? Did you have any patches configured? Which ones?
I don't see that just by installing the package. Or by fetching and testing an old patch.
built on Mon Jul 16 11:25:54 EDT 2018 i still have the same error. If i have some patches? i was in time, don't know what or why. Can i use a shell command to get the list? -
Looks like that only happens when you have zero patches in the list. I've just pushed an updated package to fix that, should show up with the next new round of snapshots later.