Squid with CARP over LAN interface
Is possible to use the Squid proxy server with CARP LAN interface?. I have the follow version 2.4.3-RELEASE-p1 and I can't do it work yet.
Can you use Squid in an HA config? Yes.
What exactly are you trying to do there?
go to General settings > Advanced Features > Integrations
Add below line (use ; to separate new lines)
;http_port YOURCARPIP:SQUIDPORTyou can sync squid settings with your backup server.
when primary fails carp IP will shift to secondary server and squid will start working with CARPIP in secondary as well.
so in general squid will be working with 3 Ips ... LAN IP of primary server, LAN IP of secondary server and CARP VIP .
you can give configure CARP VIP in clients or serve in wpad.
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