No Categories in Squidguard?
Not sure if I am in the right place to say this but I installed squidguard and squid just encase and for some reason after installing the block lists, its not showing any categories to deny?
Is there a bug or am I downloaded the wrong list?
With the zero details you have provided, nobody could even guess.
On your Common ACL tab, if you click the + beside Target Rules List, it's empty?
Sorry I should of said but yeah that’s exactly what happened, maybe I’m downloading the wrong list now a I have seen sites have changed a lot these days
I've used the Shalla list before but I don't worry about tat too much. Does it appear to go through the motions when you download a blacklist?
Yeah I tried all links but nothing so far, I never had this problem before but saying that it’s been a while since I have used it.
Squidguard is not maintained any more AFAIK, so pfBlocker might be a better choice moving forward.
Thank you for your help as I did not know that.
Ok many thanks -
@anttechs I am using squidguard,
After configuration of blacklist option in General settings i.e
in Package > SquidGuard > Blacklists you need to hit download button 4-5 times continuously , to get it download blacklist database, make sure it reaches 100%