freeradius sending attributes from a condition
Good day! I'm new to freeradius setup. In general, I have been struggling with the present for 3 days already! Configured freeradius in a bunch of ISG cisco ars 1000 for pppoe. All data is stored in the standard for freeradius mysql tables. Everything works fine, I need to add a radchek column where there will be a date (up to which date the service is provided). It should be checked according to the following condition: if the current authorization date is less than the date in the cell, then isg should give the attribute with the tariff plan, if it is more then the isg attribute with redirect is given.
At its core, the task: you need to apply different policies depending on the status of payment. If there are other solutions, I will be glad to see them! Thank you in advance
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