Can't ping through pfsense when captive portal is activated
When I enable captive portal on pfsense, I'm no longer able to ping hosts located behind pfsense.
Below my architecture example:
(Computer) ==============> WAN (Pfsense) WAN ================> (router) =====> (Host:
In this configuration, I can't ping from Computer. If I disable captive portal, works again.
Thank for you help.
Well yeah until you auth to the captive portal or your mac is authorized pre then yeah you are blocked - the whole purpose of the captive portal ;)
You could always whitelist your PC if you don't want it to have to auth to captive portal.
Thanks for you reply.
Unfortunately, it happens even if I'm auth to the captive portal.
I don't think that it's due to a firewall rule because it doesn't happen when captive portal is deactivated so I don't understand.
In my configuration I have only one NIC set as "WAN" (don't know if it could create trouble)
So you have wan and wan?? Just noticed your drawing.. Doesn't work that way..
One would be a WAN other would be a LAN..
Your PC would be connected to LAN and the internet side would be connected to WAN..
And more : the captive portal only runs on a LAN type interface (LAN, OPT1, etc).
Thanks again for you replies.
Below my architecture.
My PC's GW is pfsense and my pfsense's GW is my router.
I have only one NIC interface. This NIC is assigned as a WAN interface.
Captive portal works fine (authentication + log with squid) except the ping issue.
So you recommend me to use 2 NIC interfaces, as show below, isn't it?
Thanks for your answer.
I've tested with a 2 NICs computer and ping can passthrough pfsense.