Assistance asked for routing
Hi there,
On my personal computer I have installed VMware Workstation.
Now when I start VMware Workstation I first added 5 NICs.
VMNet0 is the one I used to connect to the internet (bridged).
The other VMNet adapters are all set as Host-only adapters.Now I create a new pfSense instance and add those configured NICs to this VM.
VMNet 0 for the internet connection.
VMNet 1 has been configured for static addresses:, which is the pfSense install it self.
VMNet 2 has been configured for static addresses: 10.1.2.X/ (Servers)
VMNet 3 has been configured for DHCP leases with: 10.1.3.X/ (Clients)
VMNet 4 has been configured for DHCP leases with: 10.1.4.X/ (Clients)When pfSense is installed I get an IP address to go out on the internet. So that works.
When I boot a server with VMNet 1 and set the IP address to, I am able to open the web interface from pfSense and go on the internet from this server.
Now when I change the server VMNet1 to VMNet 2 and set the IP address to I cannot reach the pfSense web interface nor I can communicate with the internet.The VMNet 3 and 4 are both DHCP and they handout IP address to the clients that come online. But also not possible to go on the internet. In pfSense under DHCP > Clients I tried to add the Gateway to, but this gives me an error:
- The gateway address does not lie within the chosen interface's subnet.
- The broadcast address cannot be used in the ending subnet range.
I am myself aware that I am missing some settings that need to be added but I cannot figure out which these are. There for I would like to ask for some help or guidance how to resolve this issue. If any further information is required please let me know.
Thank you all in advanced
- probably missing or wrong rules on the additional LAN interfaces.
Grimson, thank you for your feedback. This just was the little piece of advice I needed. I got it working now thanks!
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