Pfsense Captive Potal MAC User Allowed at Point to Multi Point Bridge mode?
Now i setup pfsense server one of the campus. There are total five building include with Main building.Main building provide internet access another building to point to point wireless link.
So Main building provide five AP to another five different locations total links is five links.
All the main AP are connect to same unmanage switch.This switch are connect to physical server.
We setup pfsense on esxi server.This server connect to ISP internet.
Now all the links are ok and get the internet access with captive portal. We also run the cache proxy server. But i need to do some user to access the internet without portal page with portal user name and password. So i put this users MAC address in pfsense portal. At the time One of the point to point can effect the MAC setting effect.Another four links can't access the MAC by pass.
We configuration every points to points AP setup with bridge mode(Switch)So what is the problem ? Can suggest or advice this problem.pfsense free BDS can't support MAC allowed multi point to point links? -
Hello, I'm sorry but i didn't understand your message