Captive portal not redirecting on https requests. problem on every browser
yeah i have checked your picture but its only works in firefox not on another browsers. how would it be possible on google chrome? -
@fahad77678 chrome also implement captive portal tests
Android and apple devices also implement this feature
But in my case chrome not doing like this.
can you come on teamviwer ? -
Did you enable https login enable in captive portal or not?
in my case if i disable https login then it cant reach the login page. chrome says site cant be reach if i search some sites.
same case in firefox. firefox only promt for login netwrok but not redirecting to catptive page. -
The browser indicates that a user action is needed.
It's probably not directing you right away some where else, which seems rather logic to me: the user wants to browse site a.b.c. - the browser won't take him to d.e.f (our captive portal login page) but suggests the a user action is needed.These are my observations :
Use http (default) and the https portal login. Things will go very smooth.
Chrome might be "portal aware" these days. I'm using the captive portal in a hotel - do not explain clients how to connect - and they connect (mostly not being IT experts, they all manage to connect using whatever device).As said here - and in the doc : https you should obtain a certificate signed by an authority.
This implies that you should use an existing domain name on your portal LAN, like
You can buy such a corticate - or use the acme package.
True : the acme package works for you if you know what to do and how to do it -
Use http (default) and the https portal login. Things will go very smooth.
what do you mean by this how can i do this in pfsense. actually i m new in pfsesne -
can you give me the step step configuration of captive portal with dns resolver? -
@fahad77678 said in Captive portal not redirecting on https requests. problem on every browser:
can you give me the step step configuration of captive portal with dns resolver? Resolver : nothing to do. The default settings - as set on installation, are just perfect.
is it necessary to add captive portal ports add in firewall's wan and lan rules ?
it it is? the which ports should i add to the rules ? -
@fahad77678 said in Captive portal not redirecting on https requests. problem on every browser:
is it necessary to add captive portal ports add in firewall's wan and lan rules ?
it it is? the which ports should i add to the rules ?Two cases :
If you activate the portal on the LAN you have nothing to do : the default firewall rule is a pass-all, the portal will work right away.
If you activate the captive portal on an extra interface (the best choice !), like OPT1, you have to, initially, add one firewall rule : the same one as you can find on the LAN interface.
Like this :Never ever add firewall rules to the WAN interface. Rules for that interface belong to the experts.