Pfsense captive portal using zentyal server 6.0
Hi guys
Until recently I was able to get a univention server dc with radius as the authentication server for our wifi users on the captive portal setup on that wifi network as well as the authentication server for some of our workstations.
We're considering zentyal as the replacement for the univention server and I was wondering if pfsense would be able to work with zentyal 6.0 as the radius authentication server.
I figured this should be possible as freeradius is freeradius regarless the domain controller being used but I'm a noob so I do wanted to get the imput of someone with more experience on this kind of setups.
are there any considerations to keep in mind as we undertake this implementation?
there doesn't seem be much documentation or tutorials on how to get this accomplished on either netgate or zentyal, I did google and check out pfsense and zentyal documentation for a few hours but I couldn't find something concrete that would give me some detail steps and info so I was wondering if this is even suggested.
Thank you in advance.