How to check someone downloading large file on Pfsense?
Hi, I want check someone on Lan downloading big file with all traffic.
How to check someone downloading large file on Pfsense? -
If you notice your pipe is being hit hard.. You can use the traffic graph to find the IP in real time..
example - started a speed test from my .9.100 box.. And you can see its the one use large chunk of pip..
If you use the wan interface - you will only see the public IP.. So you will have to move the monitor around to use the interface the client is on while its downloading.
If you set all for filter you will be able to tel the local IP and the remote IP in the conversation - see the bandwidth matches.
If you want more of who used the bandwidth in the past - you could install bandwidthd package or ntop..
Another package you could install to give you more info would be the darkstat package..
Yes, It's work, Thank you very much.
can I check with command? -
sure - all listed here like trafshow