PS3 Netflix wont stream when proxied? *help*
Hi guys,
I may be having a blonde moment here…
So, I have my PF Sense machine connecting to the internet, I have squid doing transparent proxy, and squidguard blocking a few adverts, and known malware locations...
PS3 connects fine... PSN network connects... happiness... :D
my laptop connects - things seem to work fine... on the laptop - Netflix streams just fine... :DBUT...
if I try stream Netflix from the PS3, going through the transparent proxy in the exact same way that my laptop does - I cant play anything. ???
the PS3 netflix app loads... I choose my profile... I can navigate all the options of what there is to watch... but as soon as I try play - it gets to 25%, sits there for ages, and then pops up a message saying netflix is having trouble playing that, and that I should try again later. :'(
Considering I am connecting from South Africa - and the connectivity isnt always the best, I do want to proxy this at the very least to save myself the repeated downloads of all the thumbnails etc. (yes, this seems trivial - but when your international bandwidth is crap, every bit counts)
If I set my DHCP server to always give my PS3 the same address, and then I go into "Services --> Proxy --> Bypass proxy for these source IPs ", and put the PS3 IP in there... then Netflix works... but then of course - I don't get any proxy benefits... >:(
Is there any config I am missing... or can I rather exclude destination IP's or hosts, to at least get some caching benefit?
help :)