[Solved] Captive Portal | 1 user per| Log in
Hello guys is possible to set in the captive portal, i try to create a users, in user manager. i try it to log in the captive portal it's okay then i tried to login in different phone then it's login. It is possible example i login. that user cannot be login again in different phone because it's active. Thank you.
You want to prohibit that the same user (person) uses his login credentials on more then one device ?
The first possibility :
Note : only the last login will grant access, previous logins using the same user credentials are disconnected.
Maybe not what you want.Next possibility :
Use vouchers will a very small number of minutes - 5 or so.
Also activate this option :Ones the voucher is used, it will become unusable very fast.
Drawback : it's up to you to remove the MAC addresses from the MAC list, so no more automatic time out.Next solution :
Use FreeRadius to enforce Captive portal authentication.When you use settings like this :
only one user/password combination can be active, all other attempts will get denied.
Maybe a drawback : you'll be using FreeRadius. You'll have to learn a lot about this "tool" top manage it a "little bit".
@Gertjan Thank you for the info.