Gateway Showing offline in web gui but internet is working!
Hi All,
i have simple setup of pfsense 2.4.4 with one Wan interface and one Lan interface. my internet is working fine on client computers as well as i m able to ping anywhere from pfsense WAN and Lan interfaces. but my gate way status on GUI is showing offline even i have change payload from 0 to 1.
any suggestions plz?
Ali -
Sometimes the gateway monitor has a problem with your upstream for whatever reason. Go to System - Routing - Gateways. There you will find options as to whether to monitor the gateway at all, what to do if down, and what to actually monitor.
thanks for reply kom. yeh in gateways i have set the gateway monitoring and tried different open dns servers there but still no success :(
Then just disable it if it isn't working.
@KOM but bro i wanna implement failover in future. for tht i need gateway to be shown up
Good luck to you. I've seen several cases of users whose gateway monitoring wasn't working, just as yours isn't, but I don't think the actual cause was ever discovered, or if it was I certainly didn't hear about it.