Custom menu items in config.xml <menu> <url> can you specify a port?
I'm sure someones asked this question before but I've had a hunt and can't find it.
When adding custom menu items via the config.xml route under packages can you specify a port in the <url> in a way that stops it showing as IPaddress/:port/ and just be ipaddress:port/
Code is
</menu>Thats spits out.
instead of
https://X.X.X.X:8443/manage/account/login?redirect=%2FmanageBest regards
Dave Webster -
No, you can't use a custom port there. The packages that use menu entries to reach alternate ports each have a small .php file that redirects users there.
Might not be too hard to add the ability to use a port there (probably as a separate tag) but that would require being on a version that included that code (either by patching it in or waiting for a release with it).
Ah thanks for confirming that for me just wanted to check before I went down the route of setting up the PHP page for the redirection.
Am I reading between the line to much then if I read the second part of the message as this is a feature that's on the list for a future release? :)
Best Regards
Dave Webster
I'm not aware of any current feature request for that. If you want to open one, for a future release, feel free to create a feature request at