[HOWTO] Captive portal + FreeRADIUS + local MySQL user friendly single step
I am facing problem in login page from Captiveportal.
I am using the default login Form Html code with Form action 'action ="$PORTAL_ACTIONS"' and still I am continuously getting Access-Reject message in Mysql table 'radpostauth'.
I am using Pfsense 2.4.2 with freeRadius3 pakage and mysql Server 5.6.39.
When I create user from Captiveportal -> Users login page works fine then. Also with NO authentication login page is working.
But I need this with Mysql database authentication.
Did anyone face problem like this? If you have solution in mind please let me know.
Thanks in advance
Great work! Appreciated.
Please how do you edit those files you mentioned earlier
Please help, I am not able to install mysql…how can you get it working? Thank you
@srvrgt said in [HOWTO] Captive portal + FreeRADIUS + local MySQL user friendly single step:
FOLLOWUP, in case anyone is hitting the same problem as me, the problem is with freeradius3, so first of all you need to change the attribute type on the file ozy-captive :
From : “INTO radcheck (username, attribute, value) VALUES (?, ‘Password’, ?)”)) "
TO: INTO radcheck (username, attribute, value) VALUES (?, ‘Cleartext-Password’, ?)"))
And then you need to change the file Schema.sql BEFORE you add it to the radius database
CREATE TABLE radcheck (
id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
username varchar(64) NOT NULL default ‘’,
attribute varchar(64) NOT NULL default ‘’,
op char(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘==’,
value varchar(253) NOT NULL default ‘’,
KEY username (username(32))
) ;
CREATE TABLE radcheck (
id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
username varchar(64) NOT NULL default ‘’,
attribute varchar(64) NOT NULL default ‘’,
op char(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘:=’,
value varchar(253) NOT NULL default ‘’,
KEY username (username(32))
) ;
I hope this helps anyone My problem was with pfsense 2.3.4 FRERADIUS 3Hi, @deajan, hi @rudat . I can confirm @srvrgt post. I've used the base work to setup a small captive portal in a hotel. Everything used to worked great until I upgraded to the latest version of pfSense/OzyCaptive-single-step. It stopped working. After modifying the table structure as per srvrgt advice, everything works flawlessly again.
I think you should update your code in the project repo, specifying that your latest version requires pfSense 2.4.3/freeradius3.
Thanks everybody for the outstanding work!P.S.: Does anyone know a simple way to limit bandwidth on per-user basis? (something like this -obviously fictional -
INSERT INTO radcheck (id, username, attribute, op, value) VALUES (NULL, ‘Eleonor’, ‘Max-Input-Bandwidth’, ‘<=’, ‘5242880’);
This post is deleted! -
@mansoor-khan Hi mansoor!!! i setted up everything in captive portal + FreeRADIUS + mariadb (mysql) but I got the same problem trying log on Captive portal page, and mysql reports me (Access-Reject) too after type mail and name on the box.
Did you or someone got this problem already solved?
Thank you Guys
@Nova9 php 5.6 is outdated and full of vulnerabilities on pfsense
pfsense is now running php 7...
as for your CSS ...this is a pfSense forum, not HTML one :'( we could try to help you debugging your page, but we need the associated HTML to help you
@Nova9 said in [HOWTO] Captive portal + FreeRADIUS + local MySQL user friendly single step:
Maybe the .js files aren't loading properly?
Use the right button of your mouse.
Every browser will give you the possibility to see the 'html source of the web page.
You'll be seeing in a split second if resource files like css and js files are not load, most of the time because they have another file on the system name.Btw : The subject "Captive portal + FreeRADIUS + local MySQL user friendly single step:" is a rather big project.
Nothing something that can be pulled of 'ASAP'.
Using an old pfSense version gives you a new feature : you created a security time bomb. -