pfSense config with daloRadius (freeRadius) to setup download quota limitation
I have pfsense and daloRadius(running freeRadius inside) up and running, I successfully configured radius parameters on pfSense and the NAS on daloRadius and they can talk to each other.
I am able to create users from daloRadius and authenticate them from pfSense. But when I add some attributes for bandwidth limitation or download quota limitation, authentication fails from pfSense.
Plus in spite of all the search i did, am' not able to understand clearly how radius attributes function: - Difference between check and reply and when to use either - also the operators being used.
Since i didn't understand clearly i tried all combinations that made sense to me but it never worked, I always get access-reject.
I added to daloRadius the pfSense radius attribute dictionary which i got from here:
VENDOR pfSense 13644 BEGIN-VENDOR pfSense ATTRIBUTE pfSense-Bandwidth-Max-Up 1 integer ATTRIBUTE pfSense-Bandwidth-Max-Down 2 integer ATTRIBUTE pfSense-Max-Total-Octets 3 integer END-VENDOR pfSense
but whenever I create a user and try using one of these attributes in either reply or check attribute, the user is not authorised when logging in, just getting access-reject with no explanations.
What am I doing wrong ?
I might say obvious things, but did you have a look to the documentation ? It has been updated recently