Testing 2.5 issues
Hi guys
I decided to test the 2.5 builds and after Installed my intel nic's are not being detected at all as if the network card no longer exists in my system.
My current setup is running pfsense within an unraid vm which works perfectly fine on the 2.4 builds nic's are detected just fine with the em kernel driver.
I was wondering if anyone else has had this issue and if so any workarounds that could help solve the problem. I do get the same issue with opnsense so I already know it's possibly a freebsd issue.
Also is there anyway I get grab logs to help track down the issue. Also sorry if this issue has already been solved upstream and is waiting to be merged into the pfsense repos.
Eoghan -
We're aware of some issues with network interfaces in 12.0. Probably not much to be done there until we retarget the base as stable/12 or 12.1 in the near future.
At least those wanting to should be able to bypass the error by following this..
Thanks for the tip however I'm almost sure I tried adding that string to my loader.conf file and got the same result but I will do some tests and see what happens.