Authentication Server - Local + AD?
forgive me if this seems a dumb question, but from the Interface i don't seem to see the option.
I have a Local Auth (obvious) and I add an Active Directory Auth (or more than one)
working with no problem with the "User Authentication Diagnostic" panel.
At this point i would expect to find in the "Add User" panel, for each user i add, a simple menu
that tells pFsense which type of user i'm creating.
So a menu containing "Local Auth" and "MyDomain.loc" and / or "MyDomain1..2..3..4..N.loc".
I don't find this menu but i find only a "Global Setting" in wich i can choose an auth server.
But i want "Both" auth server working at the same time.
In my specific case i want to use:
1 local user + 1 Domain user to connect to the Web Admin Gui (2 users total),
1 local user to initiate a VPN (this is my Administrative Account)
1 to N Domain Users initiate a VPN using Corporate Users (whose i knows only Username obviously).
Pheraps i'm missing something. How do i achieve this?
I've read other posts speaking about a "Fallback" method, but in my case i need a "Parallel" method.
Thank you very much.