Accessing Captive portal from remote host returns NXDOMAIN Error
I created a captive portal on LAN interface wtih radius auth. I can reach radius server from other networks. But i can't do it for captive portal. It returns NXDOMAIN error.
HTPPS Login: Enabled
DNSResolver: Enabled
HostOverride: Done.Waiting for your suggestions...
Not sure how you think a captive portal on your lan has anything to do with clients not on your lan?
I tried it on WAN interface too, same error. I think it is about Domain Override but i am not sure.
Your drawing captive portal would never come into play... For that client...
Your client needs to be on the L2 that the captive portal runs on.
here is what i want to do ;
I want to create a CP with Radius auth that remote clients can connect with specified download quota etc...
Is it possible with pFSense? -
Yeah very simple to do.. When clients are actually on your network ;)
How would pfsense ever see the amount of data flowing from that remote client.. That client is not routing through pfsense.. Its on the internet..
Only way you could do that would be to setup a VPN to pfSense and run the captive portal on that. It would probably still be painful though.