There were error(s) loading the rules - contains bad data
Sorry for posting that as an image, but I keep getting “Error - Post content was flagged as spam by” and otherwise I couldn't submit the post.
Try to run a "Force Reload - IP" and see if that clears the issue.Otherwise, goto the Uncheck "Keep Settings", then disable pfBlockerNG, Save. then re-check "Keep Settings", re-enable pfBlockerNG, then Force Update.
A force-reload-IP resulted in:
[ blocklist_de ] Reload . completed .. … Updating: pfB_blocklistde no changes.
No clue if that indicates success. But I'll wait 1-2 days and check if that error keeps coming up again. In case it does: the other suggestion you had, does it wipe the pfBlockerNG config? Meaning, do I have to reconfigure everything?
And thanks for the quick reply.
That did not solve the issue. Then I tried your 2nd suggestion and it seems to have worked. No issues so far. Thanks a lot for the quick help.