Exclude hosts from using the proxy
Hello all --- is there any way to exclude hosts from using the HTTP\SSL proxies?
Preempting responses that will say how pointless this might be, let me state that there is a definite use case for such a setting --- basically devices like Apple TVs, Amazon Echos, etc.
One way I have seen this implemented was to have enabling\disabling of using the proxy to be done in the FW rule. Using that method, if there was a set of devices that needed to just bypass the proxy, then it was disabled in the relevant FW rule for the device(s) in question.
I haven't seen that same cfg. option in Squid + pfSense but is there any way to achieve the same end result?
Transparent or non-transparent proxy?
The first one has that option built in the GUI.
The 2nd one is more easy because if the device don't about the proxy u manage the allow/block with fw rules. -
Hi periko,
Definitely transparent. The question I ask actually only applies to a transparent proxy because when using a non-transparent setup, the client machine talks to the proxy rather than the outside world.
I do not see the config option you mention so please let me know where you are thinking.
Thanks again for your response...
Squid --> General Settings-->Transparent Proxy Settings->Bypass Proxy for These Source IPs
Is this what u need?
Hi periko: Looks like it - totally misread that line item - many thanks...
I would like to know how to do this for Split Bump default config.
I have a WiFi VLAN which all connections on the interface use the proxy, however,
my work laptop uses the PulseVPN client.Even though i have the destination host in the bypass list, the pulse client which connects over 443,
picks up my ca certificate and can't make a connection to the vpn host.