Wireless Connection Dropping
@Gertjan I figured the issue out. It seems that pfsense has removed usb 2.0 protocol support from their kernel which the AW-NU706H works on. I tested it on another machine with the same card and pfsense. It gave the same result.
@smrehan00 said in Wireless Connection Dropping:
It seems that pfsense has removed usb 2.0 protocol support from their kernel which the AW-NU706H works o
Seems ? Are you kidding ?
So how do you explain that pfSense can read just fine my USB 2 and 3 key drive ?
Connects fine to my UPS using an USB ?
USB 2 support exists for most USB 'classic' hardware.Restart your pfSense. Goto the console (the one that tells you all when you ask) and goto option 8 :
Go over the list shown, and see that your USB 2 devices (concentrators, etc) are recognised just fine.
Ethernet hardware that is accessed through a USB port .... Check out this forum or better : check out the FreeBSD support forum. I"'ll make it short : forget it, live isn't worth it.
Um, USB2 in general has certainly not been removed.
What pfSense version did this card previously work in?
@Gertjan You are referring to the USB 2. 0 protocol for flashdrives. I am talking about the USB protocol for the wifi card which is placed internally then antennas connected externally.
Stephenw10 It has been working fine on pfsense 2.4.4 p1. I just finished testing it.
In the same device?
@stephenw10 Absolutely.
@stephenw10 Did you check the screenshots of the logs I posted? This is what I am getting when I try to make it work in 2.4.4 p3
Hmm, the difference between those versions is minor:
https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/releases/versions-of-pfsense-and-freebsd.htmlThe device is still detected and the firmware is loaded etc, it seems more like some slight driver change but that is not anything we would have done. It may have been pulled in from upstream in FreeBSD but it doesn't look like anything has changed there for years:
Just tested a similar device I have here in 2.4.4p3 and it seems to work fine:
Dec 9 12:33:11 kernel ugen0.2: <Ralink 802.11 n WLAN> at usbus0 Dec 9 12:33:11 kernel run0 on uhub0 Dec 9 12:33:11 kernel run0: <1.0> on usbus0 Dec 9 12:33:11 kernel run0: MAC/BBP RT3070 (rev 0x0201), RF RT3020 (MIMO 1T1R), address f8:d1:11:c1:5b:57 Dec 9 12:34:25 php-fpm 348 /interfaces_wireless_edit.php: Cloning new wireless interface run0_wlan0 Dec 9 12:34:25 check_reload_status Syncing firewall Dec 9 12:34:25 kernel wlan0: Ethernet address: f8:d1:11:c1:5b:57 Dec 9 12:34:25 kernel wlan0: changing name to 'run0_wlan0' Dec 9 12:34:43 check_reload_status Syncing firewall Dec 9 12:37:17 kernel run0: firmware RT2870 ver. 0.33 loaded
[2.4.4-RELEASE][admin@7100.stevew.lan]/root: ifconfig run0_wlan0 run0_wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500 ether f8:d1:11:c1:5b:57 hwaddr f8:d1:11:c1:5b:57 inet6 fe80::fad1:11ff:fec1:5b57%run0_wlan0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x15 inet netmask 0xffffffc0 broadcast nd6 options=21<PERFORMNUD,AUTO_LINKLOCAL> media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect mode 11g <hostap> status: running ssid runtestnet channel 11 (2462 MHz 11g) bssid f8:d1:11:c1:5b:57 regdomain ETSI country GB indoor authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy MIXED deftxkey 3 AES-CCM 2:128-bit AES-CCM 3:128-bit txpower 30 scanvalid 60 protmode OFF wme -apbridge dtimperiod 1 -dfs groups: wlan
[2.4.4-RELEASE][admin@7100.stevew.lan]/root: ifconfig run0_wlan0 list sta ADDR AID CHAN RATE RSSI IDLE TXSEQ RXSEQ CAPS FLAG 10:bf:b8:b4:b9:b7 1 11 36M 9.0 0 4 880 EPS AQEP RSN WME
@stephenw10 said in Wireless Connection Dropping:
Dec 9 12:33:11 kernel ugen0.2: <Ralink 802.11 n WLAN> at usbus0
Ah !
A working "USB 2" device -and behind it a Ethernet NIC which is a Wifi NIC : incredible .... this seems ** a rare case to me.
Thanks for posting the dmseg : now we can see how does "FreeBSD" recognize this (your) device.** I have proof ...
Yeah, it's definitely not been disabled on some fundamental level!
That's a TP-Link TL-WN7200ND but there is no significant difference between an external USB device like that and one connected via USB on a mPCIe port.
Hard to imagine what might have changed since 2.4.4p1 that could effect this really. I assume the USB device itself doesn't show as disconnecting/reconnecting?Your show up any different?
[2.4.4-RELEASE][admin@7100.stevew.lan]/root: sysctl dev.run dev.run.0.%parent: uhub0 dev.run.0.%pnpinfo: vendor=0x148f product=0x3070 devclass=0x00 devsubclass=0x00 devproto=0x00 sernum="1.0" release=0x0101 mode=host intclass=0xff intsubclass=0xff intprotocol=0xff dev.run.0.%location: bus=0 hubaddr=1 port=2 devaddr=2 interface=0 ugen=ugen0.2 dev.run.0.%driver: run dev.run.0.%desc: 1.0 dev.run.%parent: