How can I view 'DNSBL Whitelist' request
I have a bunch of entries in DNSBL Whitelist but I don't see them in the reports or live section. Does a log exist to view entries that hit a DNSBL Whitelist? Also, does a log exist aside from packet capture port 52 to see request that is not being blocked?
I am getting some adds and I think I may have whitelisted them at some point but without being able to see the request, I can't tell for sure if I need to block or unblock something
You can find which domain is whitlisted in pfblockernG.log
[ EasyList_Privacy ] Downloading update [ 12/28/19 23:18:22 ] .. 200 OK. Whitelist:||||| ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Orig. Unique # Dups # White # TOP1M Final ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2994 2992 191 5 0 2796 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IPv4 count=1
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